Chapter 36

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Upon reaching the palace we found that Cleo was fine. Shar's sister had run to the infirmary as soon as I'd left. Dominic dragged me there to get my hand checked.

Cleo was very apologetic even though I told her that it wasn't her fault. She told me that my arm was going to bruise and the hand that I'd used to catch my fall with, was probably broken. I didn't agree with her. I had been a hyper child so I knew what broken bones felt like.

She gave me more medicines despite my protests. That was the worst part. Dominic hadn't listened to me either. He believed it was his fault that I was hurt and had also apologised more than once.

The others had returned sometime later and the disappointment was palpable. They had been really hopeful about finding Torus. The most frustrated of them all was Jace. He had been really angry when he found out that I'd been attacked.

That had only worsened the atmosphere. It was almost as though it was contagious. Dominic had gone from feeling guilty to absolutely furious. He had sent messengers across Isolde, asking all the states to be on alert.

I thought that after the night was over, he'd be relatively calm but that didn't happen. Dominic was just as livid the next day. He had begun drawing up plans for conquering the south. Something I wasn't very pleased with. We hadn't heard from Hara and Cleo's children had left only a day ago. We didn't have the cure or antidote to the poison Deskans used.

Dominic wanted to attack the kingdom that lay directly on the eastern border of Deska. It was a dangerous plan since the nation had a really close relationship with Deska.

Ofcourse, when Leo pointed that out, Dominic didn't listen to him.

"They will not see it coming." He argued, "by the time the Deskan king mobilises and sends in troops, I will already have conquered the nation."

"What about the kingdom to its east?" Leo sighed, "once we conquer Chileria, it will be exposed from three sides. How do you expect to protect it?"

This time around, I had a better understanding of the territories, geographically. Dominic had drawn a rough map for my understanding. When I'd asked him about the numbering he said that it represented the order in which he had or was going to conquer the territories.

"That's why we will attack two nations at once." Dominic said.

Leo didn't need to say anything. His expression said it all. He was questioning Dominic's sanity and I agreed with him.

"You're serious !" Leo gasped.

Dominic narrowed his eyes at that. He didn't like it when people doubted him.

"I think it can be done." Jace said, "but I would wait for the antidote, just in case Deska decides to step in."

I was surprised. I hadn't expected Jace, of all people, to back Dominic up.

"I suggest going after Fleech first." Leo said, "once that is done, we can attack Chileria and Speara together. That way, we'll corner Deska."

"If we get the antidote, will you agree to the plan?" Dominic sounded exasperated.

"Yes, but that is highly unlikely." Leo frowned.

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