Chapter 22

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"I've seen you before." Ariadne narrowed her eyes at Jace. I had come across her and Maria while showing Jace the stables.

"Didn't you work as a maid in Ralia?" Jace scratched his chin.

"Ah! The Prince of Ralia!" Ariadne bowed dramatically, "pleased to meet you, your highness."

"You're a spy?" Jace asked incredulously, connecting the dots.

Maria and I watched the exchange, amused.

"Why would you say that?" Ariadne pretended to be shocked, "I was just trying to earn some money for myself."

"You look like Leo." Jace commented. He probably understood that Ariadne wasn't going to give him straight answers.

"That ape is indeed my brother." Ariadne gave a bright smile as if insulting her brother was completely normal.

"Ape?" Jace laughed, "I believe the term does suit him."

"He just said you look like him and you called him an ape." Maria chuckled.

"I was just referring to his size." Ariadne winked.

"Where are they?" Maria asked after I introduced her to Jace.

"I don't know." I bit my lip nervously. It was evening already and I hadn't seen either of them. Dominic hadn't even returned to have lunch and I was getting worried.

"I saw Leo not too long ago." Ariadne said.

"Was Dominic with him ?" I asked, anxiety rising every moment. In the back of my mind, I already knew the answer. Eurus was gone. That meant Dominic wasn't in the palace.

"I didn't see the King." Ariadne's eyes softened.

"I'll go ask Leo." Maria decided and left.

"So what brings you here?" Ariadne asked Jace.

He looked at me, wondering if it was wise to tell her.

"Not here." I said, this was hardly a topic to be discussed out in the open.

"Let's go to my room." Jace suggested, "its nearer than anything else."

"Its right next to mine." I rolled my eyes.

"It's still nearer to the stairs." Jace shrugged and I conceded.

It was as though I attracted stubborn idiots in my life. Ariadne asked a maid to tell Maria about our whereabouts in case she returned. Once inside the room, I filled Ariadne in. She already knew about my past but she had no clue about the fact that I was a princess.

"That's heavy." She exhaled.

"And then today morning..." I began telling her everything about Torus and Kaili.

"In a way I'm glad, Seraphina." Ariadne smiled.

"Glad?" I blinked.

"You haven't killed anyone before. If Kaili is alive, it means that the slate is still clear." She explained.

It was then that I realised that even though Ariadne was all fun and games on the outside, she was an extremely wise woman. Her ability to look at things positively was amazing.

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