Chapter 47

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The celebration was smooth for the most part. Unlike Isolde, there was no Hath or Jamon here. Everyone was delighted that I was alive and had returned mostly unharmed. There were no ex mistresses I had to deal with, no backhanded comments and no attempts on my life. I saw that as an immense success.

I had, however, not seen Ariadne or Jace throughout it all. Instead, Marcus and Talia had kept me company. John hadn't been too pleased about Jace and Ariadne sneaking off. Once I was done greeting the ministers, John and I decided to find them and make sure everything was alright.

Just as we were about to go to Jace's room, we spotted him talking to one of the guards in a hushed and urgent manner.

"What's the matter?" John demanded.

"It's Ariadne." He frowned, and turned to me. "I can't find her. I checked her room and found a note. It said that she was coming to meet you"

"That was hours ago." I said, my heart dropped. Something was wrong.

"Where did you see her last?" Jace asked, his eyes wide with worry.

"My room" I almost whispered.

Jace shared a quick look with John before he burst out into a run. We followed him to my chamber, all the while hoping that our worst fears hadn't come true.

The room had been torn apart. All signs pointed towards a fight. There was blood on the floor along with torn bits of purple fabric. I was rendered speechless. Someone got into the palace and had taken her from us, right under our noses.

"We need to get her back." I choked out.

"We will." John said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"We need to tell Leo." I said.

Dragging a chair, I grabbed a piece of paper off the desk. They had to know but I couldn't do it. My hands were shaking, making it impossible to write.

"Seraphina, we will get her back." John said, "Trust me please."

"L-Leo needs to know." I said. "Dominic needs to know."

Yet another life had been put in danger because of me.

"This is not your fault, sweetheart." John said, moving to kneel besides me.

Jace stormed out of the room, visibly angry.

"How is this not my fault, John?" I sobbed, no longer able to hold it in. "She needed me! She needed me and I wasn't there!"

He just pulled me to my feet gently while barking out orders to the soldiers.

"They were here for me." I gasped, looking at John. "She was in my room....they were here for me."

His expression told me that he had figured that out. Perhaps Jace knew too, perhaps he was mad at me. He had every right to be.

"Come on." John said, squeezing my shoulder. He led me to his chambers, stationing multiple guards outside.

"Where's Jace?" I sobbed.

"He needs some time to wallow in self pity." John sighed, "he'll come around. He always does."

I nodded, unable to speak.

"I am going to write to Dominic, alright?" He said softly, as if talking to a child. "you are safe here."

I wanted to argue. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't worried about myself, that nowhere was safe as long as I was alive but I couldn't do it. As selfish as it was, I found comfort in his words. Despite everything, I began calming down. And down I went till there were no emotions left. All I could do was sit and stare as John wrote with speed and determination.

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