Chapter 23

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I wasn't completely knocked out, there were parts of it I was conscious enough to note. They tied me up and threw me in the back of a carriage.

They also, didn't make it out of the palace.

It was funny actually. The carriage was attacked by Isolde's soldiers even before they'd left the palace grounds. All the trouble they went through to capture me went down the drain.

Dominic's aunt and her minions were taken to the prison and I was taken to the royal infirmary. I didn't know who carried me there but the ordering and shouting sounded a lot like Dominic.

My senses were not functioning properly so there was no way of knowing for sure but my suspicions were strong. He was the only one that would think to yell at a semi conscious person. At first, the noise was muddled up but soon enough, it cleared.

"Why did you leave her alone!?" He yelled. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I couldn't find the energy to do so.

"I told her to stay in the room." Jace answered.

"She was taken from your chambers." Leo was the only one that sounded calm, "what's done is done. There is no point in-"

"How did they get in?" Dominic's voice was pure venom, "how did they take her from my room? Who betrayed me?"

"The news of Torus leaving the palace hadn't reached to all parts of the kingdom." Leo explained, "He managed to sneak them in from the eastern border. There were barely a thousand soldiers. The attack was just a distraction, they were mainly here for her."

"And they failed." Jace reminded.

"Not completely." Dominic grumbled, "I shouldn't have left her alone. Look at her."

I felt him sit besides me.

"She will be fine." Leo sighed, "you heard Hara."

"Yeah." Dominic didn't sound convinced.

"Get some rest." Leo sighed.

There was no answer so I assumed that Dominic had unleashed his death glare.

"I'm leaving for Ralia immediately. Once I've updated John about what has happened, I'll come back." Jace said.

"It isn't safe right now. If anything happens to you in Isolde, your brother will attack. Stay for a few days until things have calmed." Leo suggested.

I felt somebody cup my cheek. The fingers lingered on the corner of my mouth and I knew it was Dominic.

"Fine." Jace sighed, "I'm going for a walk."

His footsteps faded away soon enough.

"Are you going to stare at her till she wakes up ?" Leo muttered, "there is work left to be done."

"Oh I know." Dominic muttered, "there are a few of them left alive, isn't it?"

"Dominic, that isn't what I meant. Lord Gress is here. We need to discuss the prisons."

"Yes." He answered, "I'll do it in the meeting tomorrow morning. Till then I'm going to make those attackers sing."

"You think they will give anything up?"

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