Chapter 25

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My foggy mind registered a loss of warmth. I snuggled closer to the source. Isolde was cold and warmth was always welcome.

My eyes flew open at a familiar chuckle.

"Good morning." Dominic smiled, not at all concerned that there were only sheets between us.

I opened my mouth to reply but no words came out.

"This attire suits you." He winked.

"I'll keep that in mind for tonight's party." I smiled, extremely proud of myself for that comeback.

"I don't think so." He narrowed his eyes.

"But I thought you liked the attire?"

"I'm also very partial to it." He kissed my forehead and backed away, "I'm going to get ready."

"Already?" I grimaced, the sun was just starting to come up.

"If I stay in the bed with you for one more moment, I don't think we will step out of the room today." He stretched before getting up.

"Alright." I laughed.

We took turns bathing and true to his word, Dominic didn't look at me until I was completely dressed.

"You can open your eyes." I snickered.

"This will do I suppose." He eyed my clothes with disappointment. I was covered from neck to toe so his reaction was funny.

Upon reaching the meeting room, we found Leo waiting outside.

"So did you guys sleep well?" He grinned.

"What?" I frowned.

"I came by last night." He waggled his eyebrows, "thrice."

I was absolutely mortified. He knew. I stared at my feet, trying to hide my face with my hair.

"Ow!" Leo complained and I looked up abruptly.

Leo was clutching his nose and I suspected that Dominic had hit him.

"It just bloody healed!" Leo glared at him.

"Come on." Dominic took my hand and we came to the meeting room. The rest of the council was already there, including Gress.

"What happened to your nose, Lord Leo?" Jamon asked.

I was still too embarrassed to look at him.

"I was injured last night." He answered, his voice a little muffled.

The answered satisfied Jamon. He was surprisingly well behaved throughout the meeting. There were no taunts or snide remarks. Whatever Dominic had said to him had worked really well.

"Any news on Torus?" Dominic asked Dahar.

"He is definitely out of the kingdom." Dahar said, "we don't know whether he is in Ralia or towards the south."

"Leave him be as long as he is no longer in Isolde." Dominic answered, "I will deal with him later. I'm assuming that Nish isn't in the kingdom?"

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