Chapter 27

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"Visitors from Ralia?" I groaned, getting off the bed.

For once, all the meetings had been pushed back and I had a golden opportunity to sleep in. It didn't last very long since there were people who wanted to meet the king.

"You don't have to come." He suggested.

I gave him a look and he sighed. I got dressed quickly and soon, we were on our way downstairs.

"Who do you think it is ?" I asked.

"Whoever they are, must be here for Jace." Dominic answered.

We went to the throne room and found Jace talking excitedly to a couple. Leo was also waiting for us, standing to the side.

"I found her, brother." Jace put a hand on the man's shoulder.


I assumed it was a cousin since he didn't look like John. Besides, a king wouldn't travel all the way to another nation's capital. The woman besides him was scanning the surroundings with one hand on her bracelet. She was tall and athletic, I noticed.

"When did Nish meet your king?" Dominic questioned them.

I didn't know what went on in his head but I knew that he would never make baseless assumptions.

The man turned to look at me and his jaw dropped. He was younger than Jace and they had the exact same shade of hair. Apart from that, I found no similarities in their physical appearances.

"Your majesty." The woman bowed, "Nish did not meet king John. He sent a letter stating that Prince Jace had been captured by you. My husband and I came on behalf of Ralia to-"

"Eliminate me." Dominic narrowed his eyes.

"If necessary." The woman shrugged.

"You would've failed." I told her.

She stared at me wide eyed, just like her husband.

"Dominic, Seraphina...this is Marcus, my cousin, and his wife Talia." Jace introduced us.

"Hello." I waved while Dominic gave a nod.

"You look like her." Marcus whispered with awe.

"Come on." Dominic took my hand and took me to them. That's when I noticed that we had been standing in the doorway.

"How are you related?" I asked, realised a moment later that he was also my relative.

"Where are my manners?" Marcus laughed, composing himself. "My mother, Jessica, was Aunt Jenna's cousin."

"Welcome to Chant." Dominic said. I was surprised at his hospitality.

"Thank you." Marcus smiled.

"Were your belongings confiscated?" Dominic asked and I wanted to roll my eyes.

So much for hospitality...

"They were." Talia kept playing with her unusual bracelet and I wondered if it was more than what met the eye.

"We should leave soon." Jace suggested.

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