6 ~ Reunion

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"Come on in." said Ginny. Everyone sat down on the couch. McGongall whispered to Ginny what was going on. Ginny's eyes grew wide as she looked over at Lily and James. She nodded her head and she spoke.

"Pardon me, I'll be right back." Ginny told everyone. She went up stairs and entered her bedroom. Where she met up with her husband who was about to get changed into his work clothes.

"Harry. I know you're getting ready for work, but Professor McGonagall is downstairs with a few others." Ginny told him.

Curiously, Harry asked his wife, "Others? Who are the others?"

"Your parents." Ginny said nervously. Harry's face grew weak and his jaw had dropped. All the color drained from him. "Ginny you're joking." He told her as he stood completely frozen.

   "About your parents, Harry? When would I ever? It's really them." Ginny began to explain to Harry, "McGonagall said they sent a patronus, Looking for Dumbledore, All you got to do is introduce yourself. I'll go first if you'd like, okay?" Ginny offered. Harry nodded affirmatively. He still needed a quick moment to process the whole thing.

But how were you supposed to process this? His parents who he has never known, were alive! Living! Not dead! Hearts beating and everything! All he could do was repeat the phrase, "Your parents are alive and they're downstairs." in his head. Which honestly didn't really help.

Ginny then went back down the stairs. "Hello, I realize I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Ginevra Potter." said Ginny introducing herself to Lily and James.

Lily and James were in shock. Potter? So that would mean this woman is their daughter-in-law.

But that was nothing compared to the shock had when a man, who looked exactly like James, came down the stairs. He had messy, dark hair. He wore a nice black suit and round glasses.

   Lily did a double take. She looked at James and then back to the man. They were practically identical. Lily stepped closer to him. She looked at his eyes. His eyes were bright green, just like hers. She felt like she was looking at her own eyes. A wave of emotions fell over her and she began to cry.

"Hey mum. Hey Dad." said Harry. His voice shook. He ran and wrapped his arms around the both of them.

Ginny's eyes began to water as she watched. She knew this was a moment Harry dreamed of his entire life. A dream he accepted would never come true. Who knew that this day would actually come?

"Harry." James whispered as he began to cry as well.

   James and Lily could believe it. Their son, who was only 1 years old what felt like a minute ago, was all grown up.

Harry cleared his throat. You could tell he was extremely nervous. "You've met my wife, Ginny." said Harry nervously,

Harry turned to see the toddler standing beside him.

"This is James Sirius." He introduced his son standing to his right.

Lily and James were speechless. They had a grandson. Their son, who was only one years old what felt like a minute ago, had a child. It was overwhelming. They missed everything in his life. They felt guilty. It wasn't their fault.

"Harry. You- You named your son after me and Sirius?" James struggled to hold back tears. "Well of course, I just wanted to honor you." Harry replied with a smile.

"Excuse me." Ginny smiled as she stepped out of the room. Harry smiled as he watched Ginny and then looked down at the other toddler who was attached to his left leg.

"This is Albus Severus, but we call him Al." He continued as he bent down to pick him up. Lily and James's eyes widened at the sound of the name.

Suddenly, Ginny entered the room again and James and Lily couldn't help but glance down at her arms.

"And this is Lily Luna." Ginny smiled as she looked at James and Lily.

McGonagall exclaimed quietly, "Now when did this happen!?" She had a shocked yet ecstatic look on her face.

   "A week ago." Harry laughed with a smile on his face. Ginny handed Lily Luna to Lily to hold and Harry sat beside his mother and father.

For once Harry felt something he couldn't remember ever feeling before. The love of his parents. It was nothing like a hug from Molly Weasley, or Sirius. It was even better. These were his parents. His own parents. The feeling embraced him. It was one of the best feelings in the world.

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