8 ~ The Potters

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   Later that day, Harry got home from work and then everyone began to settle down and sat in the living room.

"So Harry. What do you do for a living?" Lily asked her son. "Oh, I'm an Auror." He answered.

"That's great! What about you, Ginny?" Lily asked Ginny the same question.

"Oh, well I used to play for the Holyhead Harpies, but I haven't played since I since we started our family." Ginny told her.

"You played professional Quidditch? Wow Harry you got a good one!" James said with a wink, nudging Harry's side. Harry laughed.

"Harry used to play Quidditch when we were at Hogwarts." Ginny added.

"Harry played Quidditch?! He's just like me. Perfect in every way." James said. Which was a big mistake because Lily smacked him on the arm not long after. "Ouch!" James reacted.

"Yeah! Harry was a seeker since his first year." Ginny told. "First year! He must be the-" James shouted.

"-Youngest player in a century. I've been told that too many times." Harry finished.

"I've seen him play. The end of that game wasn't pretty though. Harry was knocked off his broom by dementors and fell from over 100 feet!" Sirius explained realizing that probably wasn't the best thing to say in front of Lily and James.

"You were there?" Ginny shouted shocked. "Yeah. I was in the stands as Padfoot." Sirius said. "That was you? I was next to you!" Ginny said. "Wait! That's right! I remember that!" Sirius told her.

   "So you two met at Hogwarts?" asked Lily. Harry and Ginny looked at each other.

   "Well. Sort of. We met at King's Cross my first year. That's how I met Ron."

   "Man! I wish I could have seen Ron's face when you two started dating! He probably wasn't too happy about it at first." Sirius laughed.

   Lily and James looked confused.

   "Who's Ron? Why would he not be Happy?" asked Lily.

   "Ron's my best friend." said Harry.

   "And he's one of my several older brothers." said Ginny.

   Sirius laughed while Lily and James looked surprised.

   "Bloody Hell, Harry! You married your best friend's little sister!" James exclaimed. He and Lily also began to laugh.

   Harry and Ginny smiled.

Suddenly, Lily and James's faces grew sad. They both let out a quiet sigh. "I wish I could have been there for him." Lily said. "Me too." James said.

"But you all are here now." Harry told them, "And in my opinion, that's what matters most."

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