27 ~ Weasleys

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   "Ronald!" Hermione called from the other side of the house.

   "What!" Ron called. "The post is here! Could you go get it!" Hermione asked.

"Ok!" Ron answered. He went to go get the post and realized one was from Harry. "It's from Harry!" Ron told her. "I'm coming!" Hermione told him. "What does it say?" She asked.

   "Dear Ron and Hermione,
How's it going? Over here it's getting even more hectic. Someone else has returned! And you'll never guess who!" Ron read aloud.

   "Well, who is it then?" Hermione asked anxiously. "Hold on." Ron said flipping the page.

   "Dobby is back! He just showed up slamming his head in my closet. I heard him from downstairs. He came to wash his sock! Can you believe that! We found his sock in the basket."

   "Dobby! I can't believe it!" Hermione celebrated. "That's amazing! I missed that elf." Ron said then continued reading.

   "Everyone here is doing fine. Ginny is washing the sock. Pretty important Dobby gets that sock back cleaner than its ever been. Hope to see you guys soon!
   "From Harry"

   "Wow! That's exciting! Everyone's pretty much back!" Said Hermione cheerfully. "I hope so! I wonder what happens next! I'll start writing back." Ron said.

   "Thank you dear." Hermione said with a smile on her face. She was so happy. How much better could this get?

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