35 ~ Memories

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"Who goes there?" Snape shouted. Harry froze. Almost as if he had lost all muscle control and he could no longer move. Harry sharply exhaled as he built the confidence to grab his wand.

   "Lumos." Harry whispered with caution. A bright light began to diffuse from the tip of his wand. He wanted his suspicions to be correct. And as he took a closer look, he came to the conclusion that the answer was crystal clear. And then, all words had left him.

   "Could it be?" Harry muttered. His lips trembled. He knew this day would surely come. But he was not ready for how it would play out. What he would say? How would he feel? How would Snape feel? It was all quite confusing to say the least.

   The light was blinding, and as Snape cautiously took steps forward, His eyes began to adjust and widen at the sight of Harry.


   However, to your suprise this moment was anything but bitter. Snape began to shed a tear. He embraced Harry. It was almost more than forgiveness.

   However, it had become clear to Snape that something was not right. Harry had looked much different. And by different we mean older. And the fact that there were empty graves in Godric's Hollow... Snape's mind boggled.

   "Harry. You're so- grown up." Snape muttered.

   "Yeah. I've gotten that a lot recently." Harry chuckled awkwardly.

   Although this situation was strange. It felt right. Forgiveness was magical, and they had given it many years before. But it was proved in this moment that time really changes people.

   "Ahem. Um." Harry cleared his throat.

   "How about I take you back home. I have a few people I think you would like to meet." Harry explained to Snape

   Then they were off. Walking out of Godric's Hollow. And as they exited the graveyard, Snape stopped. He glanced back at the empty grave of Lily Potter. His eyes moved to the ground. Then he looked back up at Harry and started to head off once again.

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