29 ~ Like a Dream

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Lily Potter wakes from the guest bedroom of the Potter residence. The have been alive for a couple months now. It's still crazy for them to think, because for them it felt like they weren't gone for even a minute! They never realized how much they missed.

"James, do you think he will return." Lily said struggling to speak. James' eyes widened. He didn't want Lily to think what she was thinking.

"Lily, It's not good to think about the Dark Lord. Think about now. He's gone and we're safe no-"

"No! Not him!" Lily interrupted. Her green eyes glazed with a light shine. It took him a minute, but he then knew by the look on her face.

"I don't know." He hesitated. Lilt couldn't help but reflect on her past. She just knew she hated what he became and she doesn't know if she could ever forgive him.

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