39 ~ Give them time

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Some of you wanted to see my fan art. Here's young Harry. :)


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   Night became morning. Snape figured he fell asleep while he was laying down thinking. He overheard the sound of pots and pans from the kitchen, but he didn't seem to want to go out.

Meanwhile, The kids weren't awake yet, so Harry, Ginny, James, Lily and Sirius stood around in the kitchen in total silence. It was a lot. Nobody had a single thing to say about what went on last night.

Harry broke the silence as the quiet room made the air feel heavy. "Bacon?" offered Harry with a plate in his hand. James and Sirius glanced at each other and began to fight over who would get the best pieces.

As everyone began to make their plates, Harry couldn't help but look at Snape's door. Harry made an extra plate and got up from the table.

James, Lily, Sirius and Ginny watched as Harry made his way to Snape and knocked. He grabbed the door and pushed it open to see Snape sitting on the side of the mattress and placed the plate on the nightstand next to him.

"You're welcome out in the kitchen, you know." Harry reminded him. Snape shook his head.

   "No. No." He began to speak, "I think it's best I stay away from everything for a while."

Although he didn't agree, he didn't want to argue. He did respect Snape's decisions.

   "Well. I left you a plate on the nightstand." Harry reminded him and made his way back into the kitchen.

Lily, James and Sirius had already left the kitchen while Harry was gone. But that's because Lily had to separate James and Sirius before they tore each other apart fighting over the last few pieces of bacon. Lily wanted to save some for the rest of them.

"So. How'd it go?" Ginny asked. Harry sighed as he looked at his wife. He sat down next to her at the table.

   "I tried." Harry began, "I told him you and I welcome him to join us." Harry took a bite of breakfast.

"He just insisted it's not the right time." Harry explained.

   "Well I mean he's right, Harry." Ginny told him, "I wouldn't feel comfortable sitting next to my enemy or someone I hurt. Even if they came back to life." Ginny explained to Harry.

"I mean there doesn't really seem to be a right time. They will find when the time comes on their own."

   Harry nodded his head, "I just hope this works out."

"There's no real way of knowing. All we can do is hope and give them time." said Ginny. Ginny got up to check on the kids. As she made her way upstairs her words stuck with Harry.

   "Hope?" He asked himself.

Harry really wanted things to work out. But he knew Ginny was right. They had every reason to want their space. Harry knew how difficult it really was for his parents and for Snape.

Harry was alone. He sat in the kitchen as he continued to eat his breakfast. Things were changing. Everything he knew is different, but he liked it.

Ginny was right. It was gonna take time for some people to come to terms with this change and it would take time to give and receive forgiveness. This feeling surrounded Harry and he began to smile, because somehow he knew. He knew that everything would be just fine.

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