23 ~ Letters

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Dear Harry,
   That's great news! I can't believe it either! Hedwig is such a great owl! It's great shes back.
About what you said. 10 years just flew by. It's incredible how quick time goes by. Quicker than falling asleep.
Miss you loads!

Dear Hermione and Ron,
   Wow your letter got back quick! Hedwig sure is speedy! It's great to hear from you. It's great to have almost everyone back. I'm not sure how many more will return. I'm curious. Oh guess what! We are planning on moving Harry, James, Lily, Sirius, the kids, and I to a bigger house! It's gonna be great! Somewhere out of the muggle world. Harry wants to be closer.
                                - Ginny

Dear Ginny,
   Wow! That's exciting! It's going to be great having you guys closer. Your decorating skills are amazing Ginny. I don't know how you do it! Your new house will be lovely! Ron misses you. He gets worried when he leaves you and Harry alone. He still thinks you're a child. It stinks when he complains about how he is worried about you being alone with Harry. Yet he trusts Harry completely.
Oh for goodness sake.
                             - Hermione
                             (And Ron!)

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