46 - Forgiveness

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I'm so sorry for the late update!
Also, a new chapter for Seventh Year and a new hp one shot are going up today! so check those out as well!

   Severus Snape went back into his bedroom later that morning and he stayed in there for a while.

   When Lily, James and Sirius finally woke up, Ginny couldn't wait to tell Lily what she saw this morning.

   "And he was just there? Didn't say anything about it?" Lily asked. She was shocked. "I trust you completely. I don't think you're lying, Ginny. It's just hard for me to picture Severus doing such a thing." Lily explained to Ginny.

   "Honestly, If I had not seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it for a second. I came downstairs and saw his door was open and he wasn't in there." Ginny began to explain, "I had heard talking upstairs, and when I went to check, there they all were. James Sirius, Al and Snape were there. It was the weirdest thing! Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining though."

   Lily glanced to Snape's bedroom. The door was shut, but she knew he was in there. Light peeked through the crack at the bottom of the door indicating that someone was inside.

She felt like she wanted to go in and talk to him. She wondered what made him do what he did this morning. She hadn't seen this side of him. Or maybe she had, but it had been so long ago that she couldn't remember.

Is it the right time to go in and talk to him? She wasn't sure. She was the one who told him that she needed time until she was ready to forgive him. Had that time come? Or was this urge to speak to him just her opportunity to find out whether or not what Ginny had told her was true?

Before Lily even realized she made her decision, she was already walking towards his bedroom door. Once she noticed where she stood she knocked. "Come in." called the voice from inside.

Snape glanced at the door as it opened. His eyes grew wide at the sight of Lily standing in the doorway. They hadn't truly spoke since the night he returned and came to stay with the Potter's, since he didn't really have anywhere else to go.

"Lily- I- er- hello." Snape struggled to speak. What was he supposed to say? This kind of conversation isn't very simple, and the circumstances of their situation didn't make it any easier.

   "Hi." said Lily. There was silence. Neither knew what to say next. Lily moved closer. She grabbed the chair from the desk and pulled it nearby where Snape sat. Lily looked him in the eyes and they remained silent.

   "Did you really-" Lily began, but Snape seemed to already know what she was going to say.

   "Yes. I did." said Snape. Lily looked stunned. As if she was hit with a Bludger. "But why?" Lily asked. The question seemed stupid.

   "Well why not?" answered Snape.

   "I mean. It doesn't seem like you." Lily told him.

   "Maybe that's a good thing. I guess- I don't know. I mean I want to be different. I was given a second chance, so I might as well take it." Snape explained.

   Lily didn't have an answer. She couldn't find a single word. It was exactly what she wanted to here.

   "Severus, what you said to me back in school broke me. You were my best friend.  That shouldn't happen between best friends." Lily told him. Snape looked down. He knew that. He regretted it.

   "I didn't like those 'friends' of yours. They were terrible people. Truly terrible. It was hard to associate myself with you when you hung around with people who wanted horrible things." Lily continued. Snape knew this too. He didn't want to think about it. He knew his mistake.

   "But if you truly mean what you said just now, and what you did this morning was your own choice, then i'm willing to forgive you." Lily told Snape. Snape looked up at her again. His eyes shined with a look of hope.

   "But I hope you know that you're mistakes will not be forgotten. Severus what you did to me was no small mistake, but I can tell you are aware of it.

   "There's one more thing. I need you to behave around James and Sirius." Lily told him. Snape's face scrunched up. He didn't like the idea. He knew better than to put his thoughts into words, especially right now.

   "Look Sev," began Lily. Snape gave a small look of surprise at the sound of the name. Sev. He hadn't heard that in a while.

   "I know you three have a rocky past, but I love James with all my heart. Nothing will change that, so i'm sorry to tell you but he's staying." That made Snape laugh. Lily smiled and began talking again.

   "As for Sirius. While he is a free man, There's no way he's leaving. I mean. Him and James won't leave each other's side. Especially after what happened..."

  The idea of that dreadful night made both of them uncomfortable.

   "Ok. I promise." Snape told her. Lily smiled lightly. "Good. I'm glad to hear it." she said.

   Lily stood up. Snape watched as she grabbed the chair and put it back by the desk.

   "Well, I'll leave you alone." Lily glanced at him before walking to the door. Snape smiled at her.

   "Thank you, Lily." said Snape. Lily laughed. "No. Thank you for proving that there was still some good in you after all." Lily told him. Snape laughed as well.

   Lily left the room. Snape was still sitting on the bed. He didn't move. His eyes were frozen on the closed door. The moment he had been waiting for had come.

   Was this a dream? He pinched himself. He felt two things. He felt pain in his arm and absolutely stupid pinching himself. Nope. This wasn't a dream at all.

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