16 ~ The Mischevious Duo

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   "Freddie?" George said.

   "I can't believe it." Harry said.

   "Run." Ginny said to Harry. Harry looked confused at Ginny. But he didn't want to argue with her and ran upstairs as Ginny walked up to Fred.

   "Fred! You look like me! Like we are the same age." Said George crying.

   "Stop being like that." Fred said. "Like what." George asked.

   "So sappy. Be a little more brighter." Fred explained. "Brighter? I'm the happiest I can be." George laughed with tears going down his face.

   "But don't cry. You'll make me cry." Fred told George. Fred turned to see his sister, "Ginny? How have you been!?" Fred asked.

   "Very good. Great. Amazing actually. Let me get my Husband from upstairs." Ginny said giggling.

   "Wait. Ginevra Weasley! GET BACK HERE. Who is this boy?" Fred yelled. Besides Ron, Fred was also super over protective of Ginny.

   "Don't worry you already know him!"  Ginny yelled from upstairs.

   "Why were you telling me to run?" Harry asked.

   "Fred is very over protective. If he saw you he'd think we've done SOMETHING!"  Ginny said yelling.

   "We have kids! We are married! And you think running up stairs is something he will think is crazy!" Harry said.

   "You're right i'm being stupid. Just get the kids and head over to the door." Ginny said to Harry.

   "What is she doing?" Fred asked. "She better not be doing anything crazy!" Fred said.

   "Freddie. Calm down. You're being crazy. Shes 27." George said.

   "What are you talking about?! Has it been that long! Wow Georgie. You're so laid back. You're acting Holy. Saint-like." Fred told him laughing.

   "Hey! Are you making fun of my ear puns!" George said with the biggest smile on his face.

"I can't wait till you meet Fred and Roxanne!" George told his brother in excitement.

"But I'm Fred." Fred said in confusion, "Wait a minute..." George winked at Fred, and suddenly Fred understood.

Finally Ginny came back "Fred. Meet my husband." Ginny said.

"Fred. It's so good to see you again." Harry said happily.

"George! You're seeing this, right?" Fred freaked out. George couldn't help but laugh.

"Fred, Meet here my parents, James and Lily." Harry said directing his attention to James and Lily.

"YOUR PARENTS!" Fred freaked out more.

"Would you like to meet our kids?" Ginny asked Fred while laughing hysterically.

"YOU'RE PARENTS?" Fred totally lost it.

"HARRY, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!" Fred continues to freak out even more.

"Fred. Calm down." Ginny said. It took him a second but he eventually took a breath.

"Fred, This is James Sirius and Albus Severus." said Ginny. Fred couldn't fully process what was going on. You could tell he liked the names.

Harry went and handed Lily Luna to Ginny. Ginny looked up a Fred who was basically lost for words at this point. "And this is Lily Luna."

Fred looked down at the new born baby in his sister's arms. He looked back at Harry and Ginny, then to George and everyone else. "I'm just so glad to be back." said Fred with the happiest expression on his face.

   George leaned in and whispered to Harry, "Wait till he meets Rose and Hugo as well." And Harry began to laugh.

   Fred had no words. He was just so overjoyed to be surrounded by family new and old again. Fred hugged Ginny and looked around at everyone. George joined in on the hug and Harry smiled.

   Fred glanced over at Harry, "Join in on this, Harry. You are family."

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