20 ~ Hogwarts

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One week later, Harry rushed down the stairs buttoning his coat. His foot steps echoed throughout the house. The creek of the wood steps made your heart beat faster than racers in a track meet. The dimly lit room caused a struggle for Harry, as he shimmied to the front door. He was heading to a place never forgotten. A legendary memory. His home. Hogwarts.

Harry trembled. He hadn't been back in years. The Harry Potter returning to Hogwarts. Shutting the door so quietly nobody could hear him leave.

"Calm down now, Harry." He said himself, "I didn't think I'd be so nervous to come back."

   Walking through the the big wooden doors harry walked in the Hallway. He glanced over to McGonagall standing near a large glass box.

"Harry. What do you see?" McGonagall asked.

"Quidditch Badges." Answered Harry as he glanced over the names. His eyes stopped and widened.

"Harry Potter. Seeker." He said surprised. "Wow. I don't- Wow." Harry absolutely was speechless. He couldn't finish his sentences. Harry loved Quidditch. And apparently everyone loved his Quidditch playing.
   After wandering the castle. Harry left. Opening the door to his home he was greeted with some familiar faces. Grumpy, fussy and scary familiar faces.

"Daddy. How was Hogwarts." James Sirius asked strictly.

"What. Hogwarts. No. Daddy was at work." Lied Harry.

"You didn't take us!" Albus cried. Harry sighed at his children in annoyance. He glanced over to the hallway. There stood James and Sirius giggling.

"TRAITORS!" Harry shouted.

"Shoot. We've been caught." Said Sirius.

"ABORT! ABORT!" Commanded James. Harry chased after his Father and Godfather yelling around the house.

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