25 ~ As We Grow

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Life is a strange thing. People grow and change in appearance and personality. One day you may not recognize one person after not seeing them for years. Strange. They grow older. You grow.

Sometimes you don't notice it. Once you really realize how much you've changed. Beginning to grow in your personality and find who you're gonna be.

And when you're older, and there are people you haven't seen since you were younger they are doing the same thing but reversed. Now they are figuring out your personality. Strange. When you already know it.

For Harry that's what's happening. Well sort of. His parents didn't get to see him grow and change like other parents did.

Now they are figuring him out. His personality and style. How he runs things. Their basically getting to know their son 28 years later.

It's almost like, "POPQUIZ! WHAT'S HARRY'S FAVORITE COLOR?" They have got to study and memorize all the facts on the history of this man.

It's creepy. James and Lily haven't changed. Their son has. As we grow, we watch our love ones follow and grow.

However they are proud. Because Harry can watch his kids grow as he grows much older. At least they got that. Which makes them so happy to see. To watch him grow in another way.

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