12 ~ The Guests + Some

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   "Hagrid. It's been a while! I have so much to tell you. Harry exclaimed as he went over to greet the half giant.

   Hagrid raised his brow, "You bet yeh." Harry giggled nervously.

   "First, yer godfather is alive! Then, you tell me yer parents aren't dead anymore! Now Dumbledore is back! What else could you possibly need to tell me?" Hagrid bellowed.

   Harry giggled nervously. As he quickly ran up the stairs.

   Hagrid bellowed, "GET BACK HERE NOW BEFORE I COME GET YEH MYSELF!" He waited two seconds before growing even more impatient.

   Hagrid began walking up the stairs. Faintly from across the hall he could hear Harry talking. Only one light was on upstairs. Hagrid walked up to the door and then walked a little closer, and as he stood at the door his jaw dropped.

   Harry had Lily Luna in his arms getting ready to bring her downstairs to Hagrid.

   "Oh! Uh... suprise?" Harry said nervously.

   "Oh my- Harry. Why didn't you tell me!?" Hagrid said. almost crying.

   "What! Hagrid, we sent you a letter!"


Harry and Hagrid laughed. "Boy or Girl?" Hagrid asked.

   "Girl." answered Harry.

   "Her name is Lily Luna." Harry told him, "She's almost two weeks old now." Harry told Hagrid while looking down at his newborn daughter. Hagrid hadn't seen Harry so incredibly happy in a very long time and that it made him Happy.

   Hagrid and Harry sat together with Lily Luna for what felt like forever, but that was cut short when suddenly...

     Harry put Lily Luna back down to sleep, then he and Hagrid began to walk down the stairs to welcome the guests. But, Sirius had got there a little quicker.

"Ron. Hermione. What a surprise." Sirius exclaimed.

"Sirius! You're alive! I can't believe it's true!" Ron said excitedly.

   "I can't believe it either. Mainly because I don't really know why I'm here" Sirius laughed.

   "Now who are these fine young ones?" Sirius winked.

"Oh, well this is Rose and this is Hugo." Hermione introduced their children.

Harry and Ginny ran to the door. "Ron! Hermione! I thought you'd be gone for another few days?!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Well we came home early. we are here to see everyone!" Hermione replied. Rose tugged on Ron's shirt. Ron looked down at her.

   "Alright. Go ahead." Ron told her. Rose ran past them and accidentally bumped into Hagrid, "Sorry!" she shouted as she continued running up the stairs.

   Hagrid noticed Rose and turned to the door, "RON! HERMIONE!" Hagrid shouted as soon as he saw them.

"Hagrid! It's so good to see you" Hermione said excitedly.


  Ginny walked to the door to open it. She opened it and she stood in shock.

     "Remus! Tonks! How? What? When?" Ginny shouted.

     "Ginny calm down." Remus told her, "Long story short, Tonks and I came back last night. We didn't know what to do, where to go or what happened or what year it was. We apperated to Hogwarts- Well as close as we could. We thought it would be the best place to find someone who could help us. The ministry was the last place we wanted to go.

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