17 ~ Peaceful day

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Harry was tired. He wasn't ready for another surprise return again. He couldn't take it. Can't it just wait till tomorrow.

"I need a break. A vacation day. No work today." Harry said.

"Harry. Isn't this great. Fred and George are together! Like Fred never... well you know." Ginny celebrated, "It's amazing." Ginny was overjoyed. Once again her family was whole again as well.

"Well. This sure has been an eventful week hasn't it." Sirius said to himself as he walked to the living room. He walked in to see Lily and James talking and he overheard a bit of their conversation.

"I just wish we were there for him growing up. I know I keep saying this. But it's just hard to accept that." Lily reminded him and she began to cry.

"Lily. Don't get so emotional. We are here now." James told his wife.

"Ew. Emotions." said Sirius making a disgusted face.

"Hey loser! Get used to it!" James yelled at Sirius.

"Hey even bigger loser. I won't!" Sirius yelled back.

"SHUT IT!" James Sirius yelled from upstairs.

"James Sirius!" Ginny shouted.

"I like that one." James and Sirius said in sync. Everyone burst into laughter.

   Eventually everyone began to quiet down. Lily and James went to the back into the guest bedroom for the night, Sirius was just doing nothing, Fred and George were getting ready to head out and Harry and Ginny relaxed in their room.

"Harry. Who else will come back?" Ginny asked. "I don't know. I feel like that was everyone I can think of right now...I hope." Harry said.

"I'm just glad we're all together again." Ginny said. "It will stay that way." Harry said.

"Always?" Ginny asked.

   "Always." Harry answered.

   Harry got up and leaned in to kiss Ginny. "I love you, Gin." Harry said. As he kissed her again.

"Hey Harry. The Weasley's joke shop is in Diagon Alley right? I need to get back at your dad for- OH MY GOD! NO! NO! HARRY! NOT YOU TOO!" Sirius yelled.

"What happened!" yelled James as he and Lily ran up stair with their wands ready. "Hey look at that. It's about time you learn to keep your wand on you, Prongs." joked Sirius.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand. THESE TWO WERE KISSING!" Sirius shouted. "Harry James Potter!" Lily yelled at her son.

"Excuse me! I'm an adult! I'm married!" Harry shouted back.

"Sorry Harry. We are just overreacting. It's just last time we saw you. You were a baby. It's just hard to accept that you're not a baby." James said. "And last time I saw you you were 15!" Sirius yelled. Harry and Ginny just couldn't help but laugh.

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