49 - Teddy Lupin

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  "I'm a little rusty." said Ginny. She wasn't satisfied. Harry rolled his eyes at Ginny's words.

   "YOU CALL THAT RUSTY?!?" James shouted.

   Harry and Ginny turned to Lily, James and Sirius. Their jaws practically hit the ground. They had no words at what they just saw.

   "Honestly. You're too critical." Harry told her, "That was amazing!"

Ginny smiled at him. James looked so impressed he couldn't say a single word.

"Alright. I think that's enough for today." Harry announced. He went and grabbed the Quaffle from Ginny and carry it over to the trunk.

He placed the Quaffle back into the trunk. He locked up the trunk and moved it back off of the pitch. Ginny grabbed her and Harry's brooms. Harry walked over and she handed his broom back to him.

"Thanks." said Harry as he grabbed the broom.

Lily, James and Sirius watched as Harry held his broom and walked by Ginny's side. Harry and Ginny talked and laughed as the walked back over towards Lily, James and Sirius.

"Alright. Let's go get Teddy!" said Ginny. They all smiled.

   They all grabbed hands and apparated to the Lupin's.

   They all stood in front of the house. They began to walk up to the front door and Harry knocked.

Remus opened the door and smiled at the sight of all of them.

"MOONY!" shouted James and Sirius as the ran up and hugged him. Remus smiled ear to ear. It was one of the best feelings in the world.

Tonks walked up to the front door. She smiled at the sight of them.

   "Teddy still doesn't know, does he?" Harry asked in a whisper as he walked inside.

   "Nope." Tonks whispered back smiling even brighter. Harry laughed quietly. Ginny walked up next to him.

   "Teddy! Could you come out here for a minute?" Tonks called.

   "Coming!" Teddy shouted back.

   The sound of a door opening travelled across the house. Teddy's footsteps grew louder as he moved to the front room.

   "Yes Mum?" asked Teddy as he stood there. Suddenly he noticed the others.

   "HARRY! GINNY!" shouted Teddy as he ran up to hug them.

   "HEY TEDDY!" shouted Harry happily as he ruffled up his godson's hair. Teddy laughed.

   "We missed you!" said Ginny.

   Remus, Tonks, James, Lily and Sirius had the most euphoric expressions.

   "Are you guys here for dinner?" asked Teddy.

   "Nope. We are actually waiting for you to go get your stuff packed." Harry answered with a laugh.

   "What?" said Teddy.

   "You'll be staying with Harry and Ginny this weekend." Remus told his son.

   "REALLY?" shouted Teddy excitedly.

   "REALLY!" Ginny told him.

   Teddy smiled brightly. He looked so excited.

   "Teddy, you've been staying with them for your entire life. We didn't want you to stop visiting them just because we are back." Tonks told him.

   Teddy hugged his parents tightly and his hair turned bright pink.

   "Thank you!" said Teddy.

   Teddy ran back to his room to get his things packed.

   Teddy has been the happiest he's ever been in his entire life ever since Remus and Tonks returned. He finally had his real parents. He had grown up with his Grandmother and his Godfather. Harry and Ginny were essentially his parental figures.

   "We really can't thank you two enough for all you done for him." Remus told Harry and Ginny.

   "We tried to give him everything you would've." Harry told him.

   Remus and Tonks smiled to this. They knew they made the right choice in choosing Harry as Teddy's godfather.

   Lily, James and Sirius smiled as well. They were so proud of Harry and Ginny. Sirius in particular. Harry was the Godfather he wished he could have been for him. He was extremely proud of him for that.

   Remus hugged Harry and told him, "Thank you so much, Harry. Thank you for opening my eyes back when I was being stupid."

The others looked at them in confusion. They weren't sure what this meant. They knew this was not the time to ask.

Tonks smiled. She obviously knew what they were talking about. She looked extremely thankful for whatever Harry did.

"I meant what I said back then. And I'm proud of you, Remus." Harry told him. Remus and Tonks laughed. That seemed to mean a lot to them.

Just then Teddy ran back out with his bag.

"You all set?" asked Harry.

"Yep!" Teddy nodded excitedly.

"Alright then." said Harry and they all walked over to the fireplace. They had decided to travel back by floo.

"We will meet you guys there." James said as he looked at Harry and Ginny. They chose to stay and hang out with Remus and Tonks for a bit. Remus and Tonks smiled. They loved having the three of them over.

"I made sure to bring my broom this time! James got mad when I forgot it last time." Teddy told Harry and Ginny as he held the broom in his hand. They smiled at him.

"Bye Mum. Bye Dad. I'm gonna miss you so much." Teddy said hugging his parents as tight as he could.

"We'll miss you more Teddy. We love you." Tonks told him.

"I love you too." said Teddy.

Teddy walked back over to Harry and Ginny, then Harry and Ginny gave Lily, James, Sirius, Remus and Tonks one last hug before they stepped into the fireplace one at a time, and they were gone.

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