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  ARDEN, I DIDN'T mean to hurt you... I'm sorry."

Lies. It was always the same damn lie over and over again. It was always 'I'm sorry' or 'I didn't mean it.'

But he did, he meant every strike and every curse. Every bruise inflicted upon my body was deliberate and fuelled by hate. He meant every punch, every kick. Because he was a sadistic bastard. And he loved to see me cry.

  XAVIER'S PHONE BLARED, shattering the gentle silence with its deafening ring. I couldn't help but be grateful for the reprieve from the silence, the empty space between every word that he spoke felt as though I were suffocating.

Kaden was doing pack work in his office, leaving my brother and me alone, sat together in the living room watching some crap movie that I hadn't bothered to learn the name of.

"Hello... Yes — now, seriously?... You told me you could handle it... He's there now? — For fuck's sake he told me he wasn't coming for at least another two days..." He sighed, "Ok. I'll be there." Then he turned to me with a tight-lipped smile, though I could see the sadness that lay behind his eyes. "Arden, I have to get back to my pack, we're expecting a visitor. I'm sorry, he wasn't supposed to be here for at least two more days but I really can't trust him to be left unattended."

I nodded, beaming at him and he returned my smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I'll be back to visit next week probably, Kaden has my number so if you need anything just call and I'll be right over."

I pursed my lips and nodded again. "Have a safe journey back," I said, as I was pulled into one final embrace.

"See you soon." He waved, as the door clicked softly shut behind him. I sighed, what was I supposed to do now?

I guess I could ask Kaden if I could go to the pack house to meet Lumen. I had not been to the pack house yet and was far too aware that I had not yet been introduced to the pack I had involuntarily been made Luna of. Did the pack members even know that their Alpha had met his match? Or did he try to hide my existence from them out of... Shame? No, to protect me.

I got up from the couch with a groan and walked in the direction of Kaden's office, tapping gently on the door when I arrived.

"Come in." He rumbled, his low voice causing the fine hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end, and a knot to ball deep within the pit of my stomach. I pushed the door open.

A lock of dark blonde hair hung down over his forehead, and he ran a hand through the thick locks.

"Sit." He instructed, motioning to the seat opposite seat. I obeyed out of habit, as that was all I had ever done to any male.

Obeyed. Submitted. Cowered in their very presence.

He raised an eyebrow at me expectantly.

"I was wondering if I could maybe go to the pack house — to see Lumen... But I also thought... If it was okay, that it might be nice for me to maybe meet some of the pack members..." I trailed off, my fingers idly fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

He turned his attention back to his papers, reshuffling them into a neat pile before placing them on the corner of the desk beside a small framed picture. "I don't see any problem with that, as long as Lumen is with you at all times."

I looked at him suspiciously, he wouldn't let me go so easily would he? The monster would never have let me go, he refused to share me with anyone else. Instead, he locked me away from the outside world, trapped and left alone to drown in my own loneliness. But Kaden was different, he had never asked anything of me. Yet.

He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, making my eyes linger on his swollen biceps. "What's wrong Arden, something's troubling you..."

I bit my lip nervously, I couldn't tell him. So instead I swallowed the lie down.

"Nothing," I said too quickly, not quite meeting his eyes

"Arden, ever since you got here, something's been on your mind... And I'm determined to find out what." He said lowly, and the usual calm blue of his eyes began to swirl with something entirely too dark for my liking.

He couldn't find out. I wouldn't let him.

"It's nothing..." I said again, shaking my head, but Kaden's piercing felt as though he was trying so desperately to see into me, to find my demons.

But little did he know that my demons were too strong and too real to be vanquished. He narrowed his eyes at me, "I'll call Lumen to come to pick you up..."

"Thank you," I whispered, beginning to speed walk in the direction of the door, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible so he couldn't ask me any more questions. Right as my hand brushed the golden door handle...

"— Arden." Kaden's voice called, I froze, not turning around and my hand still on the handle.

"You will have to tell me what happened eventually. I won't rush you but you can't hide forever." He promised, and with that, I flung the door open and exited as fast as possible, my breathing erratic and my heart pounding against my ribs.

What if he found out? He wouldn't want me. He would reject me... Who would want a broken mate?

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