33|Must be home

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She must be near

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She must be near.
She must be here.
Her supple scent still lingering amongst the early morning dew.

The waves crashed against the sand as the sky sang its sorrows in the form of steady flowing water droplets,

She was here.

In his pack.

He would pay for hiding her from me, with his life.

And that, I would be sure of.
She would not escape me again, she was mine.
And I would claim her, letting everyone else know she was mine.

I may be a lone wolf, no rogue scum, but I was still strong, I could take him down.

He was known for his strength, but those people didn't know him like I did.

Every warrior had a weakness, and his...
Was simply that he cared too much.

His pack members mattered to him, he considered them him family.

He shouldn't.
They were strong, but not as strong as their leader.
Though I dared not underestimate their strength.

If I simply ran into the pack to retrieve what was rightfully mine, no doubt their strength would massively overpower my own.

They were strong, no doubt about it.

So the only way I could get her back, was through wit.
And lots of it.

His pack was smart, they couldn't win wars with only brawn alone.
No, it wouldn't be easy... but I had to do it... for her.

Because without my mate,
I would go insane.

I had felt her loss for three long years,
Three years too long.

She would never leave my side again, and I would show her just what it means to be loved.

I had always wondered why she had left in the first place,
Did she doubt my love?

Did she not know the true extent of my devotion towards her?

I slammed my fist against the damn sand, wet particles flying everywhere.

She was the one that dulled my anger, since she left my rage had been constant, and everywhere I left a trail of destruction.

How dare she leave?

I have her everything.

She was my everything.

Without her... I was lost, and I had wondered the country trying desperately to find her to reclaim her as my own.

To show her just who she belonged too.

Rage bubbled inside of me at the thought of my mate in someone else's arms.

In his arms, I couldn't even consider him family any more.

The same blood that flowed through our veins, no longer connected.

He stole her.
That's why she left, because my blood betrayed me and stole my mate.


The colour of blinding rage, consuming my vision as I ran back up the bank of the beach and retreated back into the woods, leaving a trail heavy footprints in my wake.

I would find her.

No matter what it took.

Let the goddesses shower me with all her blood and fury, rain it down upon me, caking me in its despair, but nothing would distract me from my mission.
If only I get back what I once lost...
I could be whole again.

She was what I was missing, the extra pieces in the puzzle, the only one that could remove the tightening thorns that encased my marred heart, forever with only one in mind, doomed to never love another the same way I loved her.

She loved me,
I know she did.
She had too.

Because I gave her my heart and expected hers in return, was that too much to ask?


But it didn't matter because once I got her back, she would thank me from saving her from my monster of a brother...

All he did was take.

Take my parents,

Take my title,

Take my mate.

Enough was enough.

Life was ment to be a simple transaction, you give and then you take.
My brother on the other hand didn't quite seem to under stand that theory.

He took at his leisure,
And once he started taking, he just didn't stop.

A simple raindrop his my cheek, following the contour of my jaw before falling to the floor.

All I wanted was to see her cry.
Was I asking to much of my mate, to watch as her face contorted with sorrow and loss, to hear the desperation and despair in her crys.

She was so beautiful.
But now she was lost.

But not for long...

Short chapter Ik, but this one was slightly different,
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