49|The hollow and the haunted

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It was cold

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It was cold.
It was so cold.

Ice lined the trees, like a silver tipped frosting amongst the branches.

A single black bird flew from a tree, soaring through the grey sky.

Even in the wood, there was no green. Only a vile shade of grey, the thick mist covering the trees. Monotonous and inescapable.

I stepped numbly upon the winter leaves, my bare feet bore many cuts from the sharp twigs and stones that lined the wood.

Every step was painful.
-But I had to keep going.
Or else he would catch me.

My body was weak from starvation and cold, every movement was a struggle.
A struggle to keep going, a struggle to survive.

The frozen air bit at my flesh. I stilled to listen for sounds, and I heard a twig snap somewhere in the distance.

"You can't run Arden!" He roared, the sound echoing for miles throughout the wood, scaring animals from their homes and leaves from the trees. "No matter how far you go, I'll always find you!"

His voice froze my very blood. I tried desperately to move faster, turning to a sprint, ignoring the sharp stones as they ripped at my feet.

Snow began to fall from the sky, miserable and grey it kissed against my bare flesh, chilling me to the core.

The mist grew, and a premature twilight began to fall over the trees. Wild and cold and awful in every way imaginable with a pale moon, lying on her back as though the wind had tiled her.

I could hear his heavy footfalls, growing ever nearer. Desperation gripped my heart in a horrid embrace.

A frozen tear crawled down my face, what would happen if he were to catch me?
He would surely kill me.

My knees buckled beneath me,my body crashing to the snow. No. Get up.
My legs shook and quivered as I slowly steadied my felt on my feet. I had to keep going.
I had to keep running.

A scarlet river began to trail down my leg, the scent of my blood permeating the air.

He would no doubt be able to smell me. I pushed myself to run faster, my heart pounding in my chest, threatening to fly into my throat.

"I can hear you Arden!" He boomed, several birds flying from their trees, "-And I can smell your blood!"

His voice was close, much too close.
He will catch me, and he will kill me.
I will die tonight if I don't keep running.
But I do not know how much longer I can keep this up.
A single word echoed throughout the caverns of my mind.

So I did.

A really short chapter I'm sorry but this was just a filler😬
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