Chapter Sixteen: The Man

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Did she tease you for your flirty quips?
Did she leave you frozen with the wrong words chosen?
You gotta show her why she can't resist
Make her blush when you put your hand on her hips
So wrap your arms around her body
Tell her all she needs to know

Hanson – Give A Little

Doctor Rodney McKay was sitting on the Treatment Table in front of Cass as she read through his latest test results. She was biting her lower lip as she shook her head in response to what she was reading on the screen of the tablet that processed the scanner information.

As much as she liked Rodney McKay despite his rough edges, he had the notorious habit of being a known hypochondriac. He was a pain in the ass most of the time but there were moments when he showed genuine compassion for other people. She knew that he cared for the people around him, he was just arrogant and irritating sometimes.

Most times...

"Well the Diagnostic Scanner confirms my findings so far." Cass told him as her fingertips scrolled down the screen of the tablet before she hugged the item to her chest reviewing Rodney with a frown. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."

"I have a head ache." Rodney exclaimed, his hands on either side of his head "I can't sleep. I'm jittery."

"How much coffee have you had today?" Cass questioned, arching her eyebrows.

"Eight to ten cups in the past twelve hours." Rodney revealed reluctantly.

"And before that?" Cass prompted tilting her head towards Rodney knowingly.

"I've been up running the diagnostics on the jumper we've repaired and then I was trying to figure out what the little Ancient clicky thingy was for." He told her making a 'Rubix Cube' gesture with his hands.

"So more coffee?" Cass concluded with a grim smile.

"Maybe a few..." Rodney petered off, staring down at his busy fingers before his gaze jolted up to meet hers. "Are you sure it's not a brain tumour?"

"See this?" Cass asked him, holding up the scan of Rodney's brain function for him to see. "We'd be looking for a black mass, your brain is fine. Lack of sleep is making you paranoid Doctor McKay."

"Paranoid, is that what your calling this?" Rodney snapped, raking a hand through his hair. "We're in another galaxy light years away from any real medical care..."

"Rodney." Cass said sternly setting the tablet down on the metal night stand beside the Treatment Table. "Do you really think you would let yourself come here if you didn't believe that you'd be in the best capable hands?"

"Well you could be wrong, doctors have made mistakes before and medicine is not even a real science..." Cass tuned out Rodney's rant before holding up her hand to silence him.

"Do you really want to go there?" Cass asked him pointedly, her hands were on her hips looking firm and authoritative.

"So sleep huh?" Rodney decided to change the subject as Cass nodded her confirmation. "You got anything for that?"

"Not until the caffeine's out of your system." Cass responded sympathetically.

"Any idea when that might..." Rodney trailed off as Cass shook her head.


"So I am guessing I should probably..." Rodney said jerking his thumb towards the doors leading to the quarters.

"Go to bed." Cass advised before jabbing her finger at him. "And drink lots of water."

"And if I die in my sleep?" Rodney questioned, completely serious.

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