Chapter Eighty Six: Camp Refugee

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It seems so wrong to even try
But taking a chance never felt so right

Everlife – Go Figure

The Refugee Camp was more organised than the ones that Cass had been involved with back in Afghanistan and before that Pakistan. The living areas were actually small, organised buildings instead of the segregation of shanty towns and haphazard tents that she was used to. The houses were tiny and put together with quick and easy to gather building materials that she recognized from the projects in New York and some of the southern states after Katrina had hit.

There were miniature homes were well organised and stretched out along the expanse plush greenery of the land both far and wide. Already Cass was beginning to see the personal touches of what was supposed to be a temporary homestead. There were wind chimes, tinkling in the air as they hung outside some of the doors. Cass knew in some cultures people that believed that wind chimes warded off evil spirits, she wondered if the people here were hoping that they would act as a talisman against the Wraith.

There was a toilet block divided into the woman's and men's cubical and beside that a concrete shower block. Cass was surprised by how sanitary this place was, the other camps she had been to had been rough and the conditions had contributed to horror of the people's situation. Even now though she could see the reason she was needed here. An elderly man was propped up against the wall outside of his house, pressing soil from the ground to the deep wound in his knee in attempt to staunch the consistent bleeding. The sound of a baby howling was cutting through the air, it sounded in pain and it broke Cass's heart to hear such a pitiful cry.

Beside her John lingered closely, his presence was reassuring as was his teams as they strode through the camp taking in their surroundings with interest. John was hyper vigilant, his hazel eyes flickered over the encampment constantly assessing the area. He was unfamiliar with the military men but Lorne wasn't, he had told John that they were trustworthy and would fight to the death for their cause. John wanted to believe the other man, he well and truly did, but his wife was precious to him and he was putting her into the hands of his fellow soldiers.

The respect was marked on their faces every time they nodded or greeted him. Stories of his expeditions and personal values had spread through their ranks. Many were impressed by John's courage and nobility, he had a reputation for being humorous and easy going. John and his team had arrived at the camp under the guise of supporting Doctor Pierce and with the intention of measuring the security of the encampment. A few people were aware that he was married but they had been told of the importance of concealing Cass's identity. They had vowed to keep an eye on her, Lorne and his team would be doing regular check ins to ensure the camp's safety.

"This is remarkably well put together." Rodney complimented as they strolled through the varying lumber buildings.

His voice displayed just how incredulous he found this. Cass guessed that he had never been to a real life refugee camp before, not many people willingly had. He had expected the same kind of degradation that she had from the images he had seen upon the news.

"Yea, I gotta say whoever's running this place has it pretty well organised." Cass said with a shake of her head. "I was used to seeing tents made out of blankets and plastic sheets."

"We don't know how long it could take to find a suitable planet for these people." John responded to his wife's words as he stepped up along side of her. "So we set up for a long term stay just in case."

John had sat in on a lot of the meetings regarding the refugee camp when it had first began as a glint in Elizabeth's eye. She had wanted to know what kind of military resources would be at her disposal and John had been curious about the pretence of such a thing. They had caused a lot of damage since they had arrived in the Pegasus Galaxy, awakening the Wraith was only the start of it, it was only fair that they give a little something back. A safe place for the survivors of the cullings to live was the least that they could do.

"Where do the supplies come from?" Ronon asked curiously, his cautious green eyes taking in the clash of various cultures.

Ronon was surprised to find the people here in such good spirits, there seemed to be no fighting or restlessness between them. He thought he understood a little about that, they were trying to make the best of a bad situation. It startled him how a common evil could unite people. The majority of people here had suffered at the hands of the Wraith but they still retained their spirit.

Atlantis was giving them the same hope that it had given him. Ronon was constantly finding himself surprised by the acts of human kindness and compassion he came across. People that went out of their way for strangers seemed alien to him after being on his own for so long. The truth was there was only a handful of people he trusted and that was because they had proved themselves as worthy. He would never be the same calibre of person as Cass or Carson, his humanity didn't stretch that far but him and Sheppard had a thing or two in common, Teyla was more able to see the bigger picture when it came to situations whilst he acted on impulse.

His gaze came to rest upon a compact athletic woman with cappuccino coloured skin similar to his own and the most expressive dark eyes he had ever seen. Her layered, chestnut coloured hair was tied back away from her face into a ponytail as she clutched a clipboard to her chest listening intently to woman talking animately. It was clear that she was an aid worker from the uniform white tank top and khaki combats that she was wearing. Her boots were army regulation just like his team's.

There was something about her that left him feeling different inside, there was no word to describe how he felt when those onyx eyes flickered towards him. It was like the planet stood still for a single moment and there was nothing but the two of them standing apart watching each other. He wanted to reach out and touch that flawless skin and see if it felt as soft as he imagined it would underneath his large fingertips. His heart began to beat a little faster as she turned her head back to the woman she was conversing with and answered her question.

Sheppard was talking, seemingly responding to his own question moments before. Ronon tuned back in catching the back end of the conversation about how the camp was beginning to become self sufficient from the vegetable gardens and mini farms that people were beginning to become involved with. Ronon understood that routine helped people function and he considered the possibility that the structure and freedom that Atlantis provided for them was what was keeping the refugee camp peaceful.

"I'm gonna check out the perimeter." Ronon told John as he scanned the forest beyond the main site of the camp.

If there was any threats towards the refugee camp he would find evidence of them there. The trees were a tall enough vantage point to see into the encampment and the foliage would keep someone well hidden. The soldiers here maybe good at their job but they didn't have the same tracking skills that he did. He knew it would put Sheppard more at ease if he took a look and confirmed that he was simply being overprotective over his wife.

"Do you mind if I speak with some of my people?" Teyla asked John eagerly as they watched Ronon's progression through the crowd of people. "Several of them are working here as teachers helping school the children and doing other things."

"Be my guest." John told her before tapping at his ear piece. "But keep in radio contact."

"Is that food I smell..." Rodney trailed off as he caught sight of sign that simply read 'Mess Hall' on the outside.

He pointed at the building, meeting John's knowing gaze as he jabbed his finger at it.

"I have to investigate that." he informed them before drifting off towards the heavenly scent.

"I guess it's just you and me." Cass said with a hint of mischief in her eyes as she raised her eyebrows. "I think I need help to find my quarters Colonel."

John gave her mock salute as he spoke.

"Yes Ma'am."

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