Chapter Thirty Five: Bliss

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I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Lifehouse – Hanging By A Moment

They were standing on the beach where John had taken Cass for her birthday with the bright sun beaming down on them from the cloudless blue sky above. It felt glorious upon John's skin as the sound of the ocean roared in his ears.

John loved the beach, he had ever since his family had moved to California and his mother had taken him for surf lessons. There was something so amazing about the expanse of sand that nature had created and John couldn't help but marvel at the fact that the wedding to his soul mate was taking place here. He had thought about this long term for the two of them if they ever got home from Atlantis.

They could buy a beach house in Hawaii, settle down. Cass's family could come out for vacation every once in a while. He would take up surfing again and Cass would spend the majority of her time in a bikini sipping cocktails on their own private plot of land.

John liked that idea a lot.

Cass was wearing denim cut off shorts and a white, linen shirt that clung to her slender frame exhibiting her modest, feminine curves. Her dark hair was loose and wavy, framing her pale features. There was vibrant cyan coloured flower in her hair, tucked back behind her ear. It had been too late to attempt to get some form of gown for his bride and if he was honest he preferred it this way. This was the real Cass Pierce.

His own attire consisted of dark jeans and a white button up shirt he'd packed in case of formality. His sleeves were rolled up towards his elbows as they stood before Cyrus the Medicine Man as he chanted over their joined hands.

Watching the small, intimate Bonding Ceremony were a tiny gathering of people that the couple deemed their family. Teyla was standing with her hands clasped together in front of her as a mark of respect. Beside her stood Carson Beckett beaming like a proud father as he watched the ceremony taking place before them. Lieutenant Ford and Rodney McKay were standing on John's side. The younger military man was grinning from ear to ear as he reviewed this activity with joy. He elbowed McKay who was shifting eagerly from side to side distractedly.

Cyrus placed Cass's pale hand on top of John's larger one. She found herself looking up into her soon to be husband's emotive, hazel eyes as he cast that gorgeous boyish smile her way. There was a lifetime in those eyes, a whole world available just for her and Cass embraced it. She was in love with this man and she would do anything for him.

The minute the proposal had been issued she had already known her answer, there was no way she could ever deny him. They were living in precarious times and if there was any future John was it. The idea of spending the rest of her life with him no matter how short it was, made everything the two of them had been through worth it. John had fought for her from the very beginning and she knew that that would continue until the very end of their days.

Cass interlaced her fingers with John's creating a union she could feel humming through her soul as Cyrus wound a slender, silken blue ribbon around their joined hands binding them together. The instant that loose knot was tied it was as if she could feel the magic sparking in the air around them. The connection snapped open between the two of them flooding them with a sense of serenity and love.

Their souls merged together as Cass rose upon her tiptoes and pressed her lips to John's finely sculptured mouth. His free hand was in her hair, drawing Cass even closer as he smothered her mouth with his, consummating their vows with vigour and passion.

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