Chapter Ninety Seven: Calling All Detectives

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I gather proof, I follow leads
They all uncover your dirty deeds
No need for you to even testify
You do the crime... Yeah
You gotta do the time
Case closed

Marie Serneholt – Calling All Detectives

Cass had already been inside her office for two hours by the time Hope arrived at the clinic with cup of coffee for each of them clasped in her delicate hands. She was earlier than they had agreed but Hope had found herself restless the majority of the night, tossing and turning before she ended up flat on her back, staring at the intricate patterns on the ceiling.

There had been a lot of thoughts running through her mind last night after Ronon had left her at the door to her quarters, a lot of impulses that had been burning up inside her. It had taken every inch of self restraint she had not to invite him inside so they could continue their passionate session. He was willing, she could see it in his half lidded jade green eyes as that rumbling moan escaped his throat. His body was taunt and wanting, it had sent an impatient thrill through Hope's small frame feeling how much he wanted her.

Yet Hope could feel Ronon's emotional resistance. There was always a small part of him pulling away from her whenever they were together. Hope didn't know what secrets he hid but she could sense the shame that resided deep down inside of him. It vicious and potent, he didn't think he deserved to be happy so he wouldn't allow himself to fall the same way she had. Their connection was both a blessing and a curse.

It hurt Hope to know that he wasn't willing to share himself as deeply as she was but she was willing to be patient, there was so much depth to Ronon. There were levels of him that she had barely even scratched.

Cass glanced up as Hope entered her inner sanctum, stacks of paper were spread out over her simple beech coloured desk. Her dark hair was tied back into a neat bun, the same way it was everyday. Her clothing was the standard regulation uniform of a white blouse and beige chinos, the expression on her face was focused was her fingers turned the page to the document she was reading. She cast the other woman a warm smile of greeting before gesturing for her to sit down.

Hope nudged the door behind her closed with her foot before accepting the invitation and setting the mug of fresh coffee down upon the only free space on Cass's desk. Over the past few weeks she thought she had gotten to know the other woman considerably well. Cass was friendly and warm to everyone. She treated the refugees with kindness and solitaire, she listened to their stories and tried to comfort them when they were ill or upset. Watching her in action made Hope's heart lighter, Cass was someone else that cared, someone who could bring peace to the trails and tribulations that plagued the refugees.

"Looks like you've been here a long time." Hope said, tilting her head to read the words on the page in front of her. "I take it Colonel Sheppard had to leave early this morning?"

Hope had known the instant she had met the two of them that they were lovers. There was no hiding the raw attraction that crackled in the air between the two of them nor the lingering looks or the near perfect understanding of a simple gesture. It seemed like there was a whole conversation going on beneath the surface when the two of them were in the same room together, even when they were engaged in their own set of tasks.

"I actually don't think he should have been staying the night." Cass commented wryly, arching her eyebrows in a cross between gratefulness and disapproval.

It was clear that Sheppard was the rule breaker in the relationship. Hope had heard stories of his exploits from other soldiers and refugees who had encountered his team and they were a mixture of heroic and almost unbelievable. When Hope had asked Cass or Ronon about them the two of them had simply shrugged them off, she had learned that there were elements of truth and the two were more modest than anyone had given them credit for. It hadn't taken long for Hope to realise that this wasn't some extra-marital affair that Sheppard and Cass were engaged in, the two of them actually were husband and wife.

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