Chapter Eighty Seven: Old Friends

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The room were Cass was staying was small and intimate, it boasted a single bed much alike the ones they had been used to on Atlantis before larger living quarters had become available. There was also a desk in the corner, a simple set of wardrobes and a nightstand. The walls were white washed and the bed was already made which John found a little surprising. It was like someone had already set up for her arrival and he wasn't sure if he found that reassuring or slightly suspicious. John kicked the door shut behind them, dropping Cass's hold all on the floor whilst she sat on the bed, bouncing a little to test the mattress.

John found himself coming to rest beside her, their hips gently touching. They're clothes brushed slightly as John rose his hazel eyes to the ceiling, taking in the dimensions of the room.

"So this is home for the next twelve weeks huh?" he murmured, his gaze lowered to the carpet.

Cass leaned back on her hands, tilting her head so she could see the profile of her husband's face. She could sense his unhappiness radiating over their connection, he was losing her or that was what it felt like. They had lived side by side for so long it was hard to separate from her. This room looked lonely, made for one person. For his person.

"It won't be too long." Cass said with more confidence than she felt.

There was so much that needed to be done here and that was simply on the surface. On the way in she had observed the queue of people waiting for the clinic and found herself appalled. That were a lot of people that needed help here, more than she had realized. She hoped that twelve weeks was enough time to make a difference here, they certainly needed the help. Cass reached out and placed her palm over John's larger hand, her slender fingers came to rest in the grooves of his knuckles as they entwined.

"You'll email me when you can?" John questioned.

"Every day." Cass promised, her cheek coming to rest upon his broad shoulder.

John buried his face in her silky dark hair, inhaling her sweet feminine scent. This would be the last time he would be able to do this for a little while so he had decided to make the most of it while he had the chance. Cass released her hand from his before facing her husband and sliding into his lap, her legs parted, her knees coming to fit snugly on either side of his hips as he supported her. John's firm hands roamed up and along the curve of her spine. His palms felt hot and sensual through the material of her yellow T-shirt as his fingertips skated up her vertebrae.

"I'll miss you." Cass whispered against his lips as she stared into his loving hazel eyes.

"Show me." John requested, his fingers tugging at the hem of her shirt, his nails raking her flesh.

She gasped under the sensation of his hot fingertips grazing her skin. His free hand was already in her dark hair, gripping it in a fist and guiding her pert lips back towards his mouth. Cass covered his mouth with her own, stifling the groan that emitted from his delectable throat as her delicate hand slid between them cupping his erection. His skilful tongue eagerly parted her pink lips thrusting into the deliciously hot confines of his wife's supple mouth.

There was a brief knocking at the door that interrupted the two of them. John didn't want to stop, his hands were already roaming higher cupping her breasts through the lace bra. His thumbs caressed over her erect nubs as he nuzzled that soft spot under the hinge of her jaw. Cass's grip tightened on his shoulders as she cried out at the intense heat that rushed through her. God he was so good at turning her on, his taste, his smell, his touch, every single inch of him was flooding her senses as his teeth grazed her tender flesh.

The knocking was coming again, only this time louder and more urgent. Cass pulled away causing John to growl outloud at the intrusion as she rose to his feet. The snarl on his handsome features mirrored her own as she smoothed down her hair and awaited John to rearrange himself before her hand fastened on the door handle yanking it open.

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