Chapter Fifty: Perfect Match

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Don't quit, the way that she moves it
She's making me lose my grip
And she can get it, sh-sh-she can g-g-get it

Kevin Rudolf – She Can Get It

Cass was losing. It had become abundantly clear the moment she'd stepped into the gym today that she was destined to take a hard fall from the way the rest of her day had gone so far and sure enough as Teyla's knuckles caught the curve of her jaw causing her teeth to clatter together she knew that she had been right.

She was too angry to concentrate, her fury was coming off of her in waves as she asserted more force than was necessary behind everyone of her attacks. Logically she knew there was no reason for her to be feeling so enraged but when it came to John she was anything but rational. Her emotions were hopped up on adrenaline and anger as she struck out, her fist slipping past Teyla as the other woman managed to launch a sharp kick right into her stomach leaving Cass temporarily winded.

Jealousy was not an emotion she was used to and the way it encompassed her right now left her reeling. She was the calm one, the thoughtful one, instead at the moment she was acting like a spoiled teenage girl. Of course, John had other things to do. He was the Commanding Officer of this military base, she got that. That she could deal with.

It was the bimbo geologist hanging off his arm and using that sickly sweet voice on her husband that made her hackles raise.

"Maybe you could take me off world Colonel Sheppard, show me around. I'm sure I could find something very interesting for the two of us to do."

Cass had nearly tore the other woman's head clean off when she'd heard those words ringing in her ears like church bells as she drifted past with her orientation group. One of her final jobs before handing off the Head of Surgery position back to Carson was making sure their new crew of doctors and nurses found their way to their quarters and the mess hall in one piece.

Cass hadn't gotten a chance to see John's response to the geologist's offer but she hoped the other woman had gotten the biggest smack down imaginable for hitting on the Colonel. Barely on the city two minutes and already the new recruits were causing havoc, it didn't help that the vivacious red head looked like some sort of supermodel.

This was exactly the reason the two of them should have invested in wedding rings. Cass was under no illusion that they would ward potential suitors off like a charm but it would make them think twice before trespassing on her territory. Jesus she wanted to pounce on him and mark his throat with her mouth right now, just so everybody else would know that he was hers and hers only.

Cass snarled out loud as she slammed her knee into Teyla's stomach and used the exertion of the counter balance to hook the other woman's ankle with her foot in order to land her flat on the mat. The noise echoed through the room leaving Cass suddenly coming to her senses all too quickly as she stared down at her teacher, brushing the hair out of her face with her wrist before addressing the situation.

"I didn't really expect that to work." Cass told Teyla as she tilted her head at the other woman, still clearly stunned by the fact she'd managed to get the upper hand.

Teyla's right leg shot out swept Cass's feet straight out from underneath her. Cass hit the mat hard, her hand lashing out to take the brutal weight of the fall as she ended up staring at the ceiling hissing with pain.

"You let your guard down." Teyla told her serenely as she sprung to her feet. "You can't afford to make the same mistakes with your enemy."

Cass got the distinct feeling that maybe she hadn't had the upper hand after all. Teyla had been trying to teach her a lesson and more fool Cass for letting those rampant, ridiculous feelings get the better of her.

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