Chapter Seventy: Stepping Stones

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The future I cannot forget
This aching heart ain't broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see

Cuz I know this flame isn't dying
So nothing can stop me from trying

Adam Lambert - Time For Miracles

They were standing in front of the Stargate, fingers entwined as they stood before the glimmering blue event horizon. Just a few steps and they would be leaving Atlantis for a quarter of a year and returning to Earth, the place that they were supposed to be calling home. It felt like they were going on a sabbatical they they were leaving their real home and travelling to another far away place. Atlantis had become their place and in turn leaving it behind felt wrong and strange. John would have liked to have stayed here to recover, he would have felt involved instead of excluded.

Major Lorne was taking over his duties whilst he was away, John trusted him to do the job with as much assertiveness and care in which he did everything else. So he could be reassured Atlantis was in safe hands even if they weren't his own. It would kill him being away from this place unaware what was going on but he could manage it he thought, if Cass was by his side.

His heart was heavy as he squeezed Cass's hand tightly in his own. They had given away their quarters and furniture so someone else could make better use of them. There was no point to Elizabeth holding them until they returned. Three months was a long time especially with the growth of the exhibition, they were constantly taking on new staff all of the time and homing them was a priority. The SGC would be putting the two of them up in an apartment near the command centre so they could be on call if anything was to go wrong with John's recovery.

The worst was over now according to Beckett but he had insisted on regular weekly checkins with the doctors on the base just to ensure that everything was going to plan. John had agreed somewhat unwillingly, things had changed now that he had fallen in love. There wasn't just himself in the picture any more, there was Cass also and his health ought to be a priority now more than ever.

"So three months back on Earth that should be fun." John attempted to sound cheerful as he balanced his hold all upon his shoulder.

"We can see our families." Cass said excitedly. "I don't start at the hospital for another month."

Her sapphire eyes brightened with happiness at the prospect. John knew that Cass missed her older sister and their small family every day. She had a hard time letting go of the reigns, just like he did but now was the time that work took a back seat to everything else.

"I want to meet your family." John paused before correcting himself. "Our family."

"I like it when you say that." Cass said, leaning into John's firm shoulder. "Will we go see your side of our family?"

"I'm not sure yet." John answered her as he turned his head towards his wife.

Her expression was curious as she tipped her chin up to meet her husband's unsure hazel gaze. His lips pursed together in a grim fine line. His thoughts had been wrapped up in a similar possibility. He had been near death so many times over the past few years and he had never returned to the house that he had grown up in. Yet things had changed and he was married once more. Cass was a woman worthy of him, he hoped that his father and brother would see that in time. It had been so long that he wasn't sure what his father's response would be if he turned up on his doorstep to introduce his new her.

His father had adored Nancy, they were of the same mind set, they roamed in similar circles and could debate business strategy and politics until the early hours of the morning. Cass was of a sharper, less ambitious mind and a kinder soul, he wondered whether he would see her strengths as weaknesses.

Patrick Sheppard had turned cold after their mother had died, there had been little time for his sons, he had searched for comfort in the recesses of his work. John had become the rebel of the two boys, the constant trouble he was in drawing his father's attentions. Dave, his brother had gone the other way. He had sought out their father's approval by working his ass off and fulfilling every single one of the man's obligations and more.

John had become the black sheep of their family and in turn he had decided as soon as college had become an option he would get as far away from his father as he could. The rows about John attending Stanford were legendary and it was only too soon that his father had given into his demand in an attempt to get him as far out of his sight as possible.

"I guess we should get going." John muttered, casting a final glance at the gateroom over his shoulder.

"We'll be back before you know it." Cass promised her husband, her thumb caressing his knuckles in reassurance before the two of them stepped through the gate.

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