Chapter Twenty Eight: Dire

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somebody say, "lay down your gun"
and when you lay it down get ready to run

situation dire
it's gone away, it's not goin' away

Twlight Singers – Bonnie Brae

John was at an incredible loss. In his own haste he hadn't seen the ambush coming and that infuriated him. He couldn't lose anyone else today, Cass's death was too much for him to bear and the possibility of losing either McKay or Weir, maybe both was like pouring acid into the wound and watching it bubble. Even now he was aware that the seconds were ticking by but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

At the time he was being damn clever by removing the power supply from the generator. It had taken out the whole power grid in the Control Room so what was left of the Genii strike team couldn't track him. He had managed to get the shield up on the Stargate just in time to prevent the entire fleet of Genii reinforcements from swarming through it and taking over the city.

The fact that fifty five men had died in swift stroke of strategy did not phase John, they were the enemy, invaders who had murdered his lover and were trying to steal his city. He had killed more if he included the dead members of Kolya's original strike team and it still wasn't enough. His savage, vengeful side was still baying for blood and it never be satisfied until Koyla was lying at his feet dead.

John cursed under his breath as he raised his hands in an omission of surrender, his back was to his captors and the power supply was still clenched in his hand. The generator was barely inches away from him and he was still unable to restore the machine to its original order. It would take less than a minute to slam the thing back into the slot and for power to be returned to the Control Room.

"I don't want to seem like a bad prisoner or anything but Koyla's gonna kill one of my people if I don't get this thing turned back on in time." John appealed to the two soldiers holding him at gun point.

"Turn around." the leader of the two ordered, leaving John's entire body rife with frustration as the moments slipped by.

Death by Genii wasn't going to solve any of his problems so it was in his best interests to do exactly what they were suggesting and wait for an opportunity to arise. He had to hope that Koyla wouldn't fulfil his promise or that his two goons would radio in his capture before the time was up. It was their only chance at this moment in time.

John's hands were still raised as he exhaled deeply before turning around to face the two Genii soldiers standing behind him. John's eyes caught movement beyond the two men, he could see the shadows moving as Lieutenant Ford's face appeared in the background followed by Teyla. Beckett was nowhere to be seen. John supposed he was back on the Jumper, the other man was practically a civilian, he didn't blame him for staying behind.

"You turn around." John responded smugly to the two Genii guards who stood with their weapons trained upon him.

"What?" the leader of them sneered incredulously.

"Well if I have to turn around you should turn out." he stated making a swirling motion with his forefinger.

That moment of sheer disbelief gave Ford the adequate time he needed to stun the two guards into submission. Their eyes rolled into the back of their heads as their weapons slipped from their grasp and their bodies tumbled to ground unconscious.

"What the hell took you so long?" John responded, turning on his heel and placing the power capsule into the open cavity of the generator.

"Major, we found Doctor Pierce..." Teyla began tentatively.

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