Chapter Fifty Three: Best Laid Plans

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I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
To take a stand (to take a stand)
Everybody (everybody)
Come take my hand (come take my hand)
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just lettin you know that, you're not alone

Eminem – Not Afraid

The infirmary was quiet as both Carson and Cass stood in the sheltered area of their shared office space trying to process the information that had just been thrown at them. Privacy was important for this conversation and she had been surprised that she had been brought in on this mission until she'd heard the requirements.

Cass was already dressed in her charcoal grey field uniform, her black tactical vest was in her hands as she regarded the three people in front of her with a mixture of bewilderment and suspicion. As far as she could tell it had started off as a simple trip to collect some vegetation for their botanists to study and it had quickly gone downhill.

"Tell me this is a really bad joke." Cass stated, shaking her head as she recounted the course of events in her head.

A few hours ago Major Lorne's team had been escorting a botanist onto a planet with a severely high radiation level when the sun came up. The team had found a Wraith body with the enzyme pouch removed and reported it to Elizabeth. It was the first creditable lead they had received on Ford's location in months and at the first possibility of their friend being alive John's team were in a Jumper and on route to the planet to join Major Lorne's team in the search.

Several hours later John and Lorne had returned with a request for their most skilled field medic, unfortunately for Cass that just happened to be her. As it had turned out there was someone else on that planet evading the Wraith, someone who was also very desperate.

"You want me to go to an alien planet and preform surgery on an armed man who is holding Teyla hostage?" Cass recapped back to them as John took the black tactical vest out of her hands and held it open for her to shrug into.

This plan seemed idiotic to her but she understood that it was the best they had at the current moment considering how dire the circumstances were. This Ronon Dex character was dangerous. If he managed to get the drop on a skilled militarist like John and an exceptional tracker like Teyla she couldn't see what more they could do than bargain with him. If it helped save Teyla's life Cass would do whatever she could in a heartbeat.

"That's not even the best part." Elizabeth submitted as Cass tilt her head towards the other woman , her sapphire eyes wide in disbelief.

"There's more?" she questioned un-tucking her hair from the collar of her vest.

Already John's fingers were reaching out to help her, he grasped the zipper and drew it up to the middle of her chest as she tied her hair back using the elastic band on her dainty wrist. The two of them worked in tandem with each other and it was intriguing to watch from the outside.

"The Wraith could show up at any moment." Lorne informed her, spine straight, his hands behind his back in a military stance. "So we need to move quickly."

Cass liked Lorne, she found him good natured and proactive. Over the past few weeks she had been working with his team when they went off world. The Major appeared to be an excellent leader respected by his men and kind to the locals that inhabited each planet they ventured. He was nothing if not savvy. That boy next door, sweet smile hid a sharp strategic mind.

"Wonderful." Cass stated in a monotone voice as Carson set a metal briefcase by her feet, along with her field kit and a fitted light kit."Have they found Ford yet?"

"No and we believe McKay's been captured by the Lieutenant Ford which obviously complicates matters." Elizabeth explained with a sigh.

It couldn't be easy being in Elizabeth's position but Cass had to admit the other woman took everything that came her way on the chin. Her logic was always sound and she was entirely reasonable.

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