Chapter Seventy Four: Sisterhood

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We can be strong
We can be strong
Out on this lonely run
On the road to love

Lady Gaga – Highway Unicorn

It was late when Cass woke up alone in the guest bedroom. She was lying on her stomach twisted amongst the sheets, her eyes closed against the sun that was steaming in through the gap in the curtains. She raised her head disorientated, frowning at the empty space beside her. John was gone, Cass didn't know where but from the sounds of excitement erupting through the open window, she'd say he was the back yard giving Nicky a run for his money.

There was a heavenly scent floating through the air and Cass found her stomach growling in hunger as she flopped onto her back. Her hand was snatching up her watch, checking the time. It was past ten am and Cass couldn't believe that she had slept in so late, she hadn't done that since before she'd gone to Atlantis. This always happened when she stayed at Jules's house, there was a safety here and it showed in her ability to sleep. She forced herself to raise feeling groggy and more relaxed than she had in a long time. Everything was right in her world, she was back here on Earth with her family and she was getting married. Real married.

The idea sent a thrill through her and she found herself grinning from ear to ear as her gaze lingered on the platinum ring on her finger. Despite the intimate ceremony they had had back on the mainland in Atlantis, there was something to be said for having a ceremony back home with their family. Cass had always imagined Jules to be present at her wedding, the woman was the only other survivor of her birth family.

Cass rose to her feet and grasped John's navy blue Stanford hoodie off the back of the chair and pulled it over her head before digging her hands into the pockets of it. It smelt like him and Cass revelled in that delicious aroma. She loved his masculine scent, it made her feel comfortable and at ease.

Jules was cooking pancakes when Cass arrived in the kitchen. There was already a stack on the table in which Annabel was digging into.

"Morning." Cass greeting as she slinked into the chair beside Annabel.

Jules poured coffee into a mug before turning to face her sister, a chortle of laugher emitting from her lips as she set it down in front of Cass.

"It's the hair isn't it?" Cass muttered raising her hand to pat it down.

"You always have god awful bed hair in the morning." Jules smirked with that good-natured smile.

Cass stuck out her tongue in response before wrapping her hands around her coffee mug and taking a sip from it.

"He's pretty good with kids." Jules complimented as she glance out of the window.

Cass followed her gaze to where John was playing soccer with Nicky. The older man was applauding whilst Nicky had his shirt over his face yelling in triumph.

There was a pang of guilt in her chest, it had crossed her mind that he would make a wonderful father. It was cruel for Fate to have snatched it away from him but maybe that was the way it was supposed to be for the two of them. Cass had never wanted children of her own, she didn't understand how people could bring children into a world that was so war torn and ravaged. There was danger at every turn and she admitted she was a very selfish person in terms of owning her own life. A child was a huge responsibility and she had seen how vulnerable that made the parents. They were distracted and consistently watchful of their children, their thoughts consumed of the tiny being. Cass couldn't imagine being at the mercy of such feelings, not when it came to the bigger responsibilities that were resting upon her and John's shoulders. A world relied on them, maybe even a universe and children were a luxury that could ruin the both of them.

"John's a big kid at heart." Cass said looking away and focusing on the coffee mug in her hand.

The back door creaked as John and Nicky barrelled in, chatting animately about Nicky's latest goal. John's hazel eyes came to rest on Cass as she sat there at the table in his clothing and he felt a well of affection and ownership swell in his chest. Just seeing her wearing his hoodie made him surge with pride at the woman before him. This was his mate and this was they're family. He was happy with the surge of unity that blossomed through the bond as he placed a kiss on his wife's cheek before straightening up and sniffing the air.

"Whatever your cooking smells amazing." John said gratefully as he slipped into the seat beside Cass, his fingers stretching out across the table and seeking out hers.

He was having a good time, she could tell from that surge of happiness that radiated through their connection. It made Cass feel complete being here with him, she had been concerned about Jules reaction to her new husband but she seemed to be enjoying his company and she knew that them being here made things a little easier on the other woman.

"Well I thought since the two of you had probably been eating rations or some God awful food alike , that pancakes would be a lovely treat." Jules said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"The food's not that bad where we are, but the pancakes are very much appreciated. We don't get to eat such wonderful cooking too often." John told the other woman as she set down a stack of pancakes between the two of them to share while she rustled up some more.

"And where exactly are the two of you working?" Jules asked almost casually before casting a glance at her sister.

Cass narrowed her eyes at Jules crossly, it was a gesture John recognized from her time spent with McKay. The man had the ability to rile even the most patient of people and seeing Cass's dark eyebrows furrow in such a manner took him back to thoughts of Atlantis and wondering how his team was getting on without him.

"We would tell you if we could." Cass said softly.

"I know, I know." Jules responded, dismissing her own question.

Jules had know better than to expect an answer from her sister but she had thought maybe this time she would slip up. It drove her insane not knowing where Cass was living, whether it was dangerous or not, if she would ever see her sister again. Cass was doing something so incredibly brave but Jules couldn't help but wish it was someone else's sister in her place.

"You know I do everything in my power to make sure she's safe." John tried to reassure the other woman as he met her gaze head on. "She's as precious to me as she is to you Jules."

There was a tenderness and sincerity in his voice that Jules associated with every single time he spoke about her sister. His emotions were genuine and she knew what the implications were of John telling her this. There was a painful lump in Jules thought as she turned away so that the small family seated around the table wouldn't notice it. She loved her sister more than life itself, it was the only companionship she had had since their parents had died, she had been the grown up of their relationship and she had cared for Cass as if the younger woman was her own child. It was good to have her back even if it was a for a little while, there wasn't a day when she didn't think about Cass.

She could feel her younger sister's presence lingering behind her before her familiar delicate arms wrapped around her waist and Cass's buried her face in Jules's shoulder as she hugged her.

"I know it's hard and I'm sorry." Cass murmured into her ear as she squeezed her sister even tighter so Jules could understand how apologetic she really was over the circumstances she created.

Jules turned around and embraced her sister whole heartedly, over her shoulder she could see that John was entertaining the children with simple slight of the hand magic tricks involving a quarter he had pulled from his pocket. She let herself fall into his private comforting moment with her sister.

"I respect what you doing, you wouldn't be you if you did anything else." Jules whispered back as she clutched onto her sister like a life line.

The two women broke apart smiling as they stared into the same set of eyes. They were there for each other, for better or worse.

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