Chapter Fifty Two: Of Beds & Bookcases

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It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town
And this time I'm not leavin' without you

Lady Gaga – You and I

The apartment was much larger and vacuous than John could have imagined. He had grown used to living in small accommodation. He had been a single man for a long time before Cass and all he had needed was a place to lay his head. Things were different now, he was different and living alone had become a constant reminder of his own disruptive past. He had had every intention of talking to Elizabeth about moving in with Cass when bigger quarters became available but the Commander of Atlantis had taken the decision out of his hands and instead blessed them with this place.

It was astounding how it made him feel sitting in the centre of their apartment surrounded by flat pack boxes of what would soon be their furniture. Cass had already set out making their place into a friendly inviting home for the two of them. The walls had been painted a warm cream colour which made the place seem tasteful and light. The skirting boards were that slightly darker version of the shade giving the open planned living space a much airier edge.

John had never considered what it would be like to start from scratch, everywhere he had previously lived had already been furnished. Here, the two of them were creating their own place and John found he liked that more than he had ever considered. Home was where the heart was and the two of them were constructing their very own nest. It had never been so important to him before now and he understood it to be part of his natural instincts coming into play, he had found his mate and it was time for him to settle down and help build their territory.

The Man in him was pacified by this and settled into the role of creator with his wife as he wrestled the cardboard away from the sturdy wood that had been provided for their bed. The animistic side of him was sated by last nights love making yet he could sense it wanted more.

Make it permanent, it growled in his ear. Make it so they know she's yours.

John brushed off the urge as his thoughts lingered to the ring nestled at the bottom of the bag he had brought along with him. He had told Cass it contained tools he had borrowed from Zelinka and Rodney but that wasn't true he had been planning an afternoon ride in the Jumper to the beach on the mainland. That had all gone out of the window as his wife took him by the hand and led him to their new quarters.

There was so much to do before the two of them could settle down and move in, the first being to build the bed. John was glad they had beaming technology otherwise there would have been hell trying to get that large, chocolate brown corner couch through the door. John had to admit his wife was exceptional when it came to choosing their furniture, he was surprised at the immense details she considered whilst building their home in her head. Her choices were neutral, there was nothing too feminine or extreme, it was like she constructing blank canvass for the two of them to paint with the personalities of their personal items. Cass seemed to have thought of everything from bed linens to curtains and towels. She had even included a bookshelf for the comics he had mentioned he was bringing over.

John wondered how much this had all cost, their quality of living was far from modest but it wasn't over indulgent neither. When he had tried to talk money she had brushed him off with a shrug simply stating that she was investing in their future and he thought maybe it was time to admit that while he was away that he had done the same.

Yet as soon as John had opened his mouth Cass had already been forcing a screwdriver into his hand and gesturing towards the pieces of bed that she insisted he needed to fix up quickly in order for them to christen. After hearing her describe the various ways in which they could go about consummating their new situation, his mind had switched to other things. It was clear Cass was thrilled about the apartment, they had both lived with other people before but this was different, this was theirs and there would be no memories here but their own. She was chattering excitedly as she described where she thought things should go and listening avidly when he voiced his opinion. He had never seen her throw herself into something so willingly and he adored seeing her smile light up the room as she explained certain aspects of her ideas with her hands. She was so animated and it made him grin when she took his hand and guided him into their bathroom to show him the bath. It was clear she was in love with this place as much as he was.

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