Chapter Fifty Four: Runner

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And faster than you can follow me
From this lonely place

And farther than you can find me
I'm leaving
Yeah, I'm leaving today

Midnight Hour – Running Away

The trail leading down to the cave where Ronon Dex had made a shelter was dense with vegetation and Cass had found herself struggling to remain on her feet as she stumbled through the dense overgrowth with the portable surgery attached to her. John had managed to steady her a few times but it was still tough going even with his help. At the very edge of the trail she had handed John her firearm at Ronon's request over the radio before he left her with kiss on the forehead and the promise that he would be watching.

That seemed to set the niggling onset of anxiety twisting at her stomach at ease just a little. Knowing that John was keeping an eye on her made her feel just that tiny bit better at the situation she was walking into. She was stepping into the lion's den and as Cass strode into the clearing, dragging the metal case with her she realized that it was a bigger lion than she had originally anticipated.

Ronon Dex was well over six foot tall and he towered over Cass like tree as stopped dead at the sight of him. For a moment the two of them stood apart staring at each other as they studied one another intently. His vibrant green eyes were evaluating her as she knew he had many of the other soldiers. He was studying her for strengths and weaknesses. Cass straightened her spine and tipped up her chin in order to appear more authoritative and controlled than she felt inside.

His long dreadlocks fell midway down his back and had been pushed away from his face as he reviewed her with a stoic expression she couldn't read. There was no tightening in his impressive muscles, no aggression on his features and Cass felt herself relax a little at that fact he either didn't view her as a threat or feel the need to attack. There was no denying that the man must have a lot of skill and power behind him if he had been avoiding the Wraith for a prolonged amount of time.

Teyla was sitting on a rock just beyond the huge man, a grim smile upon her features as she rose to her feet before coming to stand just behind Ronon who hadn't moved a muscle since Cass had stepped into the clearing.

"Hi." Cass greeted, breaking the silence as she pulled the case further into the clearing. "I don't really make house calls but I'm guessing caves don't really count."

She cast a glance at the cave as she spoke, suppressing the shudder than ran through her bones at the sense memory. Different planet, different galaxy. She was sure that this case was a perfectly nice place to take shelter.

"What's in the case Doc?" Ronon asked her as he stepped back and tipped the gun she had just noticed was in his large hand towards Teyla.

His voice was a low rumble, like thunder before a storm and it suited his seemly surly demeanour. Cass clenched her teeth together for a second, annoyed at the fact she had let her initial impression of this man fool her into forgetting about his weapon.

"Surgical implements. Diagnostic tools, various drugs and antibiotics. You know doctor stuff." Cass answered calmly as she drew to a halt and gauged his reaction patiently.

"What?" Ronan questioned looking to Teyla for guidance.

He seemed to draw some reassurance from the other woman despite the fact he was clearly holding her prisoner. Cass tilted her hand slightly watching with curiosity. The grip on Teyla's arm didn't seem to be painful, just sturdy enough to keep her in place and the other woman didn't look alarmed or frightened instead she looked back at Ronon with an empathy Cass had barely seen before. Something had happened in the time that they were left along together, there was understanding between these two people. Maybe they had bonded over the atrocities the Wraith had caused over the centuries. Cass didn't know but seeing Teyla's reaction to the taller man set her own fears at ease, she would remain watchful but if the other woman deemed him safe for now then Cass could work with that.

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