Chapter Sixty Nine: Batteries Not Included

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Yeah, it's plain to see
That baby you're beautiful
And it's nothing wrong with you
It's me, I'm a freak
But thanks for lovin' me
Cause you're doing it perfectly

Adam Lambert – What Do You Want From Me?

John was in hell, literal and metaphysical hell. He had been a good man or so he had through but God was kicking him in the ass while he was down and that pissed him off more than he could say. He fumed as he shoved the pile of clothes into his black holdall without thought. After hearing the news he was going back to Earth, he had dumped all of his drawers out onto their shared bed in a fit of frustration and agitation.

Jesus, this was infuriating. He did not want to go to Earth, he wanted to stay here in Carson's capable hands recovering from the retrovirus in the place he deemed his home with his wife. Instead they were sending him alone to that stupid planet in that ridiculous galaxy on medical leave. The whole thing made him want to kill someone, particularly the IOA for coming to this decision in the first place.

He found himself growling as he stormed into the bathroom and removed his green toothbrush from the blue polka dot cup that Cass and him shared. He liked that cup, his wife had picked it out and clutching his toothbrush in his hand he thought it would look lonely in his new bathroom without it. John removed Cass's yellow toothbrush from the cup before setting it back on the basin of the sink. It looked solitary against the stark whiteness. Huffing he turned his back on it, cup and toothbrush in hand before chucking that into the bag too.

His guitar was already zipped up into it's hollow black case. He had left the Johnny Cash poster in a frame above their bed for his return. John found himself glowering at the empty made bed as he thought of the nights that his wife would spend in here alone and restless. She hated being away from him as much as he did her, he had no idea how they were supposed to spend three months apart.

That was how long Carson had deemed it would take for him to return to active duty. Three whole months, that was twelve weeks on Earth with nothing more to do than rest and apparently relax, which he could actually have done here if the IOA weren't so up their own asses. Somewhere during the past fortnight he had spent in the Infirmary a lot of decisions had been made about him that he hadn't been aware of.

According to Elizabeth, her hands were tied and it didn't help that the IOA didn't register Cass and his Athosian Bonding Ceremony as a real marriage so she hadn't been taking into consideration regarding any discussions. They were apparently supposed to just grin and bear the separation. There wasn't even time to tell her because the IOA had struck again with their idiocy and decided once more that it had to happen today while she was off world giving shots to disadvantaged children on some God forsaken planet he didn't care about. God he was so enraged by this situation he could scream.

The doors to their apartment hissed open and John found himself twisting his head towards the door to see his wife enter still clad in her field uniform, an irate expression upon her features. Her eyebrows were furrowed as her gaze came to land on the polka dot cup resting on top of his jumble of clothing.

"They are making me go back to Earth." John snarled as he tossed his underwear into the side pockets of his bag. "And I am taking this cup because I like it."

"Ok..." Cass drew out the word before pushing her dark bangs out of her eyes.

"Ok? is that all you can say?" John snapped turning to face her as she assented the three steps leading to their bedroom area and opened their wardrobe. "I tell you I'm getting sent back to Earth and all you can say is ok?"

"We are getting sent back to Earth." Cass corrected as she stood on tiptoes, her hand groping along the top shelf that was just out of sight. "And can you see my dufflebag?"

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