Chapter Fifty Nine: Conversion

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I can't escape this hell
So many times I've tried
But I'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become

Something was wrong, John didn't know what but he could feel it crawling around inside his head like a venomous snake inflicting him with it's toxins. It had started simple, things that he hadn't really noticed. The concern over the fact the wound Ellia had inflicted on him had disappeared and been replaced with nonchalance. For the first time ever he had managed to outrun Ronon and then he'd followed that up with beating Teyla at her own martial art, one handed.

Just working out with the attractive Athosian had caused his instincts to shift to other more primal thoughts, there was a savage and primal need stirring in his groin and it was not coming from him. He had had to leave gym before he indulged in something he regretted.

Already the presence in his mind was seeking out another way to fulfil it's lustful demands, his body was out of control, working on it's own accord as he marched towards his quarters catching the eye of every single attractive female that he stalked past. His wife was in their quarters and the presence was determined that it would either take her or whatever else flung itself into his path.

John was fighting it, he would not let this monster that was possessing his form anywhere near his wife and the beast inside him was furious that it even had access to her. It was biting and snarling against the cage that the snake had managed to trap it in as John tuned back in to find himself talking that red haired Geologist that adored him so much.

The words were not his own but he could hear his voice saying the disgusting, vile things as his fingertips caressed the swell of her cheek. He tried to wretch himself away but found himself unable to move a muscle as the monster controlled his actions. He was drowning in it's senses as it invaded him once more, trying to twist and mould him into something more pliable.

Maria wanted him, he could smell the arousal seeping through her skin as her laugher jingled through the air. He had her cornered in this corridor and she seemed to enjoy the dangerous, wild glint in his eyes. She was leaning in even closer, the stench of her citrus perfume inhaling through his nostrils as the beast inside him whined that low enraged growl. The toxins were taking over John, he could feel the poison ripping through his veins and stealing away parts of his mind as Maria licked her plush red lips.

John never would have looked twice at this red haired geologist, in fact he avidly stayed away from her because he knew she made Cass feel uncomfortable despite the fact his wife had never uttered the words. He was sinking even deeper into forbidden territory and he had no way to stop it. He found himself whispering in her ear, illicit things that were only meant for Cass.

The beast was pawing at his mind, scratching and howling trying to break free of its trappings as his body responded on its own instincts. Despite himself, his skin was feverishly hot with anticipation and he was hard as Maria's fingers played along the rungs of his belt buckle. Her bright eyes were on his as she pursed her lips together in that sultry pout. The beast was infuriated, it was flashing up images of his mate, biting and snapping trying to shake John out of the spell he seemed to be caught up in but it was useless.

The cage was getting tighter and he was struggling to breath inside his own mind. The corruption was already too strong, it was draining every drop of John Sheppard away and replacing him with this careless monster that was trampling all over his life. It was driving him crazy, he was going literally insane in his own prison, screaming and pounding at the walls trying to break free.

God, this was getting even worse than he had imagined, his own hands were on Maria's waist drawing her even closer so she was pressing against his firm body. Her fingers grasped his labels as he dipped his head, his lips smothering Maria's with his own. She tasted sickly sweet under his mouth as his tongue delved into the recesses of her mouth.

The beast inside him was going ballistic at the betrayal to it's mate. It was throwing itself against the walls of his mind, roaring in protest as Maria pulled him even closer, her nails raking across his stomach, underneath his T-shirt as he slammed her back against the wall in haste.

This was so wrong, so violently, sickeningly wrong but John had no control over what was going on. He yelled, punched and struggled against the monster holding him captive, grappling with it but the monster was unrelenting. It wanted this, it wanted to take Maria right here and now and it didn't care about it's host or the consequences.

It appeared neither did Maria.

John sensed Cass's presence before he saw her. As the monster turned his head towards her he could feel the exact moment that her heart literally broke and it maimed him. He could feel their bond splintering into a million pieces as her soul shredded before his eyes. He knew what she was seeing, Maria in his arms, his swollen lips and hungry gaze. He could feel the monster appraising her as she stood before him, every single one of her walls slamming down into place as she mounted her defences. Her expression was practically glacial as she reviewed him jaw clenched, and fist curled.

The pain from the shattering of their bond crippled him, he could feel it tearing him into pieces deep inside as she turned on her heel and walked away. The monster was satisfied once more, that one wasn't good enough, it thought. This one was better, more curves, delicious lips and wanting, always so wanting.

This son of a bitch was killing him, it was destroying everything he loved. It was trying to murder Cass with it's evilness so that he would give in and let it take over. John Sheppard wouldn't take this lying down. It's demolition of their bond gave him the blinding rage and agony he needed. He unleashed the excruciating pain he was feeling upon the monster. He could feel it all swarming through him as he directed it at his target, taking full advantage of the surprise it felt at such an horrific sensation.

For a moment John was back in the driving seat as the monster wailed and fought inside him. He pulled himself away from Maria whose hands had been delving into places he would rather they didn't and threw himself into the Teleporter, smacking the button for the Infirmary in an instant. He didn't know how much time he had left before the monster took over again and he needed to be contained before this got any worse.

There were other circumstances at play here, a much bigger picture and John would do anything he could to prevent it from compromising the city. He hurtled into the Infirmary, barely allowing the double doors to open as he squeezed through with a frantic sense of urgency. The monster was back and it was recovering quickly, he barely had any time left before it took over again.

Carson was in front of him, his eyes wide as the Colonel grabbed him by the labels of the lab coat he was wearing, his hazel eyes boring straight into the other man's as his entire body began to tremble in exertion. Sweat was tumbling down his brow as John ground his teeth forcing himself to speak the words that were rolling around on the tip of his tongue.

"Help me."

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