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I know it was a very risky move on my part to assume that Marco was seriously interested in me and to tell him off, but I had to do it. I don't trust myself to reject him in the future if he will continue to shower me with his attention. I feel weak whenever I am near him and weakness is the one thing that I cannot afford. Once, my weakness almost cost me my life. That is enough and I will never repeat that same mistake again.

It may have been fate that brought us together. I thought that staying with him would give me a reason to keep going. That was why I accepted his job offer, as a diversion. But seeing how he looks at me like I am some fragile thing to care for makes my stomach churn with unease. For I know that deep inside I am not a damsel that he thinks I am. Undoubtedly, I want him but a part of me wants to stay away from him.

"Do you mean to tell me why?" I saw his expression shift from surprise to annoyance to determination. I can't blame him. Even I am annoyed at myself.

"I don't really mix business with pleasure. I merely accepted this invitation as a sign of respect to my employer and savior. You did save me and I will be eternally grateful." Nice try Selena! Convince yourself more so you can also convince Marco. He reached out and caressed my cheeks gently with his graceful fingers. His touch moved downwards to the outline of my jaws and to the sides of my neck. My traitorous body shivered in response. When he was about to reach the valley between my exposed chest, I held my breath.

"See what my touch can do to you?" I was not even aware he shifted beside me and was whispering closely to me. He made me gasp as he softly blew a hot breath inside my ears as he whispered to me a compromise.

"I will let you go in three weeks time. No strings attached. After that we'll shift to strictly business and platonic like you've said. But while you are at my house and in that three weeks, you don't have a choice but to enjoy what I would give you and let me make you feel how I want you to."

"What if. . . I don't agree?" I stammered before I lose all coherent thought. His fingers were circling the back of my neck in a sensual manner that almost had me moaning.

"Who said I am asking for your agreement?" He made me dizzy with his last move. He dipped his tongue on my ears and slightly bit my earlobes. Then he moved back to his original place across from me as if nothing happened.

The server arrived with our food. It seemed they were just waiting for Marco to stop what he was doing to me before they serve our orders.

"Selena. Let's eat." He smirked at me when he noticed that I was still flustered by his actions. Arrogant sexy bastard!

We both ate in silence, with the sizzling sexual tension in the air. If this were a different scenario, I would have enjoyed the sumptuous food we are having. But for now, I just want to get this over with so I can get away from him so I can think clearly.

"Try this Selena. This is from my personal collection." I was so engrossed in keeping my eyes away from him that I did not even notice him offering me a glass of wine. He held the cup in front of me. When I took the cup, my fingers brushed into his and I unmistakably felt some spark from the contact. I am in deep trouble with this man.

"This is so good. . ."

"Not as good as me." He winked at me when I looked at him. The way he flirts with me was alarmingly sexy. But I had to keep calm and not let him notice his effect on my body.

"Marco. Thanks for dinner." I gave him my sweetest smile which earned me a smile in return.

"Come on. Let's go home." I had an idea that will surely make him on edge. I just hope he'll agree.

"I will give you your three weeks but in one condition. . ." He smiled. I actually think he is genuinely happy if I agree with what he wanted.

"What is your condition?"

"You'll let me drive your car tonight." I almost laughed at his face. From his smug and confident smile to an alarmed and distraught face. This is priceless! Marco is internally debating whether to accept my condition. I would have lost the fight if I did not resort to the same physical manipulation he did to me earlier. I stood up and moved closer to him making sure my semi exposed breasts is in line with his vision.

"What do you say? You'll let me drive your car tonight. No complaints on where we will go or how I will drive." I moved closer and cupped his face with my hands. He was not immune to my touch, he closed his eyes and I heard him chanting something but I couldn't hear and understand.

When he had enough of my torture, he took my hands and stood up to face me. With my high heels, our nose were almost touching despite his six foot height.

"Come on." He lead me out to the valet where his car awaits. He signaled the valet attendant to hand him the keys instead of leaving it inside the car. 

"Selena, here are the keys." I was about to reach for it when he moved the keys behind his back, making me reach for it with both hands.  I blushed when I realized I am touching his firm butt as I tried to wrestle the keys from his hold.

"Don't make me crazier than I already am. Do not wreck my car. Not even a single scratch or else the punishment will be something you have never experienced before." I sensed something pernicious from his eyes.

"Don't worry. I got your back." I smiled at him and moved closer so that our bodies were pressed together, almost feeling every hard muscle on his body. I got hold of the keys and he lead me to the driver's side. As the gentleman that he is, he waited for me to get in before he moved to the passenger side. I was smiling like a lunatic. This is my first time to drive a Maserati and I will make sure this is something that both of us will never forget.

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