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Later that day, Marco called Lance to tell him about Alessandra.

"Bro, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Lance sounded sleepy since he was calling at 4 am in California while it was only 1 pm in Italy.

"Will you get out of the room before I tell you? You might wake up Cassie and we don't want that."

"I know. Wait, I'll go to the study. Is it true? You met someone? I know there's something you're not telling me."

"Her name is Alessandra but we have to call her Selena. The situation is more complicated than her names but the thing is, I love her."

"Finally! My brother is whipped! What's the situation? Is she married? Does she have kids? Does she have an obsessed stalker like Miguel was to Cassie?"

"No. It's more twisted than that. Listen. I am telling you this because I trust you. You can't tell anyone else even Cassie. For her protection, the lesser she knows the safer she is."

"You know you can always count on me. Now, tell me."

Marco told Lance the whole story. How he met Alessandra, their car chase incident, her admission of her true identity and the enemies that they both shared as well as her past life.

"You see, aside from me, only you and Denaris knows the truth about her. We call her Selena to continue her disguise. She doesn't leave the estate since I can protect her more if she's well guarded. But she doesn't need my protection. Just this morning, she heard us talking when I was making you believe she's nothing. She thought it was true and I was just playing with her. She attacked me! It was crazy and sexy as hell! How she tried to physically harm me. You should have seen how she threw me to the floor. It would have made your day."

"She's that good?! The best martial arts trainers here can't even get past your stance. Maybe you went soft on her."

"No. I was shocked on how strong she was, for a woman she's pretty impressive. All her movements were calculated. I sent a footage of the car chase we were in so you could see how she drove my car. I could never do that and you know how I am when I drive. I sent the video to your secured line."

Lance was quiet for a few minutes as he watched the video. Marco could even hear the engines of his car, the sound of tires screeching and the loud impact of their crash.

"Wait, you really let her drive your car? You never let anyone drive your sports car. You were in deep shit before you even realized you love her."

"I know. I can't resist her when she asked me. Letting her drive might have saved our lives though."

"After watching the footage, I got to tell you, you've got yourself some extraordinary girl! It's like you have your own super hero for a girlfriend."

"Girlfriend. I love the sound of that. We just admitted this morning how we feel for each other. Well, after that fight that we had. Lance, you know why I am telling you all these right?"

"Aside from the fact that you lost our old bet that you will never get whipped, yes. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything for your travel and for your arrival next week. You'll be staying at our grandparent's house. You know its more secured and in a secluded area. I'll also arrange for the private planes. You can do the same transfers just like the previous times to ensure no enemy of yours will follow you to California. The party will be held there and will be for our close friends and family only so you don't have to worry about your safety."

"I know I can always count on you. Thanks for understanding."

"Marco, I know you've made up your mind and you won't give her up but I can't avoid getting worried about you. Are you sure about this? Will you take this much risk for her?"

"I've thought about that already and weighed everything. I can't lose her. I love her and she's my weakness. I can't let anyone have my weakness. You know that. I would fight with my tooth and nail just to keep her with me. I feel like she's the same way towards me."

"I am happy for you Marco but I am also fearing for your life. When you inherited your uncle's mafia organization I knew you would never have the same life as before and I admire you for being stronger and braver for yourself and those whose life depended on you. You've persevered and never gave up on them. Now, you have another person to depend on you and I just hope she really would take care of you the way you would for her."

"I know. I'm sure you'll like her when you meet her. Thanks for everything. Let's say goodbye before we end up crying like some drama dudes. I'll see you soon!"


Marco asked Alessandra to join him and meet his family in California. His parents will also be there for Liam's birthday.

"Would you come with me?"

"You know I wouldn't want to miss this but will it be safe? What if someone finds out and follows me to California? We might endanger your family." Her worries have some basis but Marco and Lance already planned everything.

"We already made preparations. You'll see. So, will you join me and meet my family?"

Her answer was a heart stopping kiss.

"I guess it's a yes then." He took her in his arms and continued their kiss. They can never get enough of each other.

The fourteen hour flight from Italy to California USA turned out to be seventeen hours due to the transfers they had to endure to ensure their safety. They used three private planes to execute their plan. One owned by Marco that was also used as a decoy and two from Lance. It was their usual tactic whenever Lance visits his family in California. They fool his enemies by making them believe he is going somewhere else.

"You do this every time you fly out to be with them?"

"Yes. Though we usually use only two planes. We added one now for extra security."

"Oh. I guess I owe your brother a thank you for keeping us safe."

"Don't worry about it. Just remember to use Selena instead of Alessandra. I might need some practice with that or I could just call you Babe." He emphasized this point by biting her earlobes teasingly.

"You're such a flirt but I'm happy you're my flirt."

"Yes baby I am all yours. Come prove to me later that you're mine too?"

"No funny business while we're with your family. I don't want them to think badly of me." She's really excited but nervous to meet his family. She wants to make a good impression on them.

"Baby, can you blame me if I can't keep my hands off you?" He was pouting at her like a lost puppy and she couldn't help but laugh at his antics.

"You'll get us both in trouble when you look so cute like that."

They arrived at the Montgomery's mansion. When she saw where they stopped, she panicked. She started to cry and hyperventilate. She was busy flirting with Marco on the way there that she did not realize where they were heading.

"Alessandra. . . what's happening?" The car stopped and the driver opened the door of the limousine that picked them up from the airport. What happened next stunned Marco. He knew that life is full of surprises and twisted plots but he was not prepared for what he was about to discover.

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