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I almost went insane with worry when I felt her pale body limped on my arms. I willed myself to focus as my feelings were starting to addle up my thinking brain. This has never happened to me before. No matter how grave the situation is, I never lost focus, but now this brave crazy woman in my arms is causing havoc inside me.

"Brent, she lost consciousness. How far to the hospital?" I tried to remain calm but my voice betrayed me.

"Just 2 minutes tops boss. I'm on it." I know Brent understands the gravity of the situation since I was the one personally bringing an injured one to the hospital. I usually stay behind to settle the scores with our enemies. But that can wait. For now, I have to be sure of Selena's safety.

When we reached the hospital, staff and doctors were already waiting for us. Denaris may have called Dr. Stafford which was one of the Directors of the Divine Grace Hospital and our group's trusted doctor.

As soon as the car stopped, the guard opened the car's door. I immediately went out and transferred Selena on the waiting stretcher and they started wheeling her inside the ER. While I tried to follow suit, a nurse stopped me from advancing.

"Mr. Garcia, we will handle this from here. Just sign the forms on the desk over there and wait inside. How are you related to the patient? We may need to contact her next of kin."

"I'm her fiancé. She has no relatives here."

"Oh. . . Ah. . Dr. Stafford will personally attend to her and will update you on her condition." It did not escape my eyes the bewildered look on the nurse's face when I told her that the patient was my fiancee. Well, I was surprised myself but I had to tell her that so they won't question my plans of staying with her in the hospital.

I just nodded and continued to sign the forms. I wanted to write in the Patient Name section, Selena Rossi Garcia. Well, it sure has a nice ring to it. After that, I called Denaris for an update on our attackers.

"Denaris, any information that might tell us what they were after?" I was already on my way to the waiting area of the hospital where the Nurse told me to wait. The doctors are still checking on Selena.

["Marco, they're not talking yet. We brought them to our main warehouse and will let Vinny do the interrogation. How is Selena?"]

"She's still with the doctors. Thanks for calling the hospital beforehand. I. . ."

["Don't mention it. Just stay there and I will call you if we have an update. I sent Ian and Donny there to help you and Brent in case of trouble. Try to get yourself checked since you were also in that crash."]

"When I'm sure she's ok."

["She's a tough chick. She'll pull through don't worry."]

With that they ended the conversation. After a few minutes, a nurse approached him.

"Mr. Garcia, Dr. Stafford insisted you have yourself checked. They are still checking Ms. Rossi and you will meet him there. Please follow me." Thankfully I will see Selena and ask the doctor how she's doing.

"Sir, you need to change into this first before you enter. This is a sterile ward." The nurse gave me hospital gown and disposable footwear to change into. When I was done changing, I saw the nurse still waiting for me.

"Ms. Rossi was just wheeled out to a private room while you were changing. Dr. Stafford is now waiting for you inside."

Though I was disappointed that I don't get to see her, I was glad that she will be transferred to a private room instead of ICU or Operating room. This means good news.

"Mr. Garcia, I just need to run some tests to ensure no harm was done due to the car accident."

"How is Selena?"

"She suffered from closed brain injury or head concussion. It's a good thing no swelling or bleeding occurred. The concussion also caused a small contusion or brain bruising. We still need to monitor her here for at least 24 hours to check for other symptoms. I will discuss this with you later in detail. For now, let's check if you suffered the same thing."

He then proceeded to ask me questions that I answered truthfully. After some brain scans and couple of X-rays, I was cleared. I was fit as a horse. I was relieved that I did not suffer from any injury so I can take care of Selena.

I was then allowed to go to the private room where Selena was still resting. She was inserted with IV fluids where the medication will be given and heart rate monitor and oxy-meter to check on her vitals. The doctor said that there might be some other concussion symptoms that he has to monitor like changes in mood, behavior or personality, swelling, headaches and dizziness, difficulty concentrating or confusion, memory loss, difficulty of breathing or changes in rate of breathing, difficulties with language or speech, changes in vision and hallucinations.

I was putting my phone to vibrate mode when Denaris called. I answered the call and walked in to the suite's receiving area so I won't disturb Selena's sleep.


["Marco, your attackers were paid assassins. They don't know anything on the reason of their attack. They were given a plate number to follow and were told to kill its passengers. They have been following you even before you went to the restaurant. When they saw you let Selena drive they thought they had the upper hand and then blew their cover during the car chase."]

"Who sent them?" I was fuming with rage. They almost got me and Selena killed. They would have known I won't put her at risk if they were that bold to come out and tried to kill us in the open.

["That's the thing. I checked their phone and the call was from a secured line. I am still asking some of our tech team to look for the source of the call. I would have checked the bank account but they were paid in cash. They were told to get the cash in a trash bin near the area of the restaurant. They do not know who was behind the kill order."]

"Whoever is behind this ensured that they won't be traced. You know what to do with them. I can't leave Selena now. She's still under observation."

["Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. I ordered Ian and Donny to secure the hospital for you. They already have Dr. Stafford's approval to stay the night so you can sleep without anyone disturbing you. Will you need anything? Brent will go back there and bring both you and Selena change of clothes."]

"I'm good. Thanks man. I am just distracted now if you know what I mean. Good thing you really think of everything."

If not for him, I will surely lose all composure as I am now losing my focus when it concerned Selena. Denaris, always managed to be one step ahead of everyone. He really is the most reliable second in command and friend.

["Remember that when you're trying to point a gun on my face."] He joked. There were times when their disagreement result to pointing a gun at each other, though they always manage to reconcile their differences. Denaris was the most logical person he knows. Always thinking about the consequences and the risks of any decision and action they will take. His advice never goes wrong.

"Fine! Call me if you need me." I ended the call and returned to the room.

My heart beats rapidly as I look at Selena's sleeping form. She looked peaceful. I gently stroked her cheeks with the back of my hand, wanting to feel her soft silky skin. It relaxes me to just look at her. Her face is perfect. I could just drown in her beauty. Her luscious lips were drawing me closer until I found myself wanting to kiss her. As I moved closer to her, I felt time stopped when I tasted her sweet lips. Her heart increased its beat as I heard the heart rate monitor's rapid beep and I wondered if she was awake. When I looked at her face, she still looked asleep. Kissing her unconscious body made me want her more. How am I supposed to let her go now that I am falling for her too fast and too deep? Could it be that my distraction has now been my greatest addiction?

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