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Marco picked the largest suite in the hospital so he can also rest while waiting for Selena to recover. He will make sure that he can stay there to look after her. He might have fallen asleep in the soft couch when he heard something crash. He pulled out his gun and was looking at where to point when he saw Selena lying on the bed looking dejectedly at the metallic pole holding her IV. He lowered his gun, returned it on its hidden holster and went to her. His eyes worried and searching for answers on what happened that caused her distress.

"Sorry to wake you up. I was trying to get up and go the bathroom. . . but I felt dizzy and then this stupid pole crashed to the floor when I almost lost my balance." He noticed that the heart rate monitor was already removed as well as the other equipment monitoring her. When he looked at the clock it was already past five in the morning. He must have slept all through the night. He checked the IV tube inserted on her hands and saw some blood mixed with the fluids. He pressed a button near her bed that will call for a nurse. As much as he'd like to accompany her to the bathroom, she might feel uncomfortable.

A nurse arrived after a few seconds. The hospital suite has its own nurse station just a few meters away.


"Check on her IV and she said she wanted to go to the bathroom."

The nurse nodded and Selena looked at them both gratefully. While the nurse was fixing her IV, he looked into her face. She seemed to still be in pain. Marco leaned closer and whispered to her.

"How are you feeling aside from the dizziness?" He felt her shiver with his whisper.

"My head still hurts. How long was I asleep?" She looked into Marco's eyes and she saw how worried he was. She felt guilty of having put them in such a dangerous situation.

"Since the accident. It's already five am now. I guess I also slept well even though I was not on medication." Marco smiled and Selena can't help but smile at him in return. He looked so handsome in his woke up like this look.

"I'm really sorry." She bowed her head but Marco tilted her chin and chastely kissed her forehead.

"It's all good. But you don't get to do it again." He said softly but with finality.

"Excuse me Ms. Rossi, if you're ready now we can go to the bathroom?" The nurse was smiling at Selena.

Marco let go of Selena so that the nurse can assist her to the bathroom. He moved back to the couch where he slept and saw the bag with their change of clothes. Brent must have brought it in last night when he was asleep.

He took out his phone and dialed Brent.

"Brent. Can you grab us some breakfast? Thanks."

He ended the call and was about to call Denaris when the phone vibrated.

"Hey. I was just about to call you."

["We are on our way to the warehouse. Vinny's group found some men suspiciously lurking near the restaurant. They may be related to the four assassins we disposed last night."]

"Just make sure not to hurt them if they're innocent."

["Noted. How's Selena?"]

"She's still in pain. I'm still waiting for Dr. Stafford. I'll ask if we can go home. He can just monitor her at the estate. If someone is out for our blood we have to be extra careful. Do you think this is related to the bastard who tried to rape her?"

["I am also looking at that angle. We may have killed that guy but some of our sources implied that he have some connections to a drug syndicate."]

"This is getting serious Denaris. We have to check if Dimitri's group is related to this incident. Look at every angle."

["I'm working on it as we speak. You also have to talk to Selena and see if she knows anyone who wants her dead. I feel like we are missing something here. Aren't you wondering how the hell did she know how to drive like that? Even I am not capable of that. I will show you the footage of the highway cameras and you'll see what I mean. I deleted the video from their server but I saved a copy for you."]

"I know. I'll talk to her when she's feeling better. Pressuring her to talk now will pose a risk to her health and I don't want that."

["Just be careful Marco. You've gone soft because of her. I don't want you getting yourself killed with your addiction."]

Denaris really has that innate ability to know what Marco was thinking.

"I know. I'll be fine."

["I'll call you again later."]

As Marco returned the phone to his pocket, Selena and the nurse returned to the room. After the nurse helped her get back to bed, she checked her vitals and recorded the data in the chart near her bed.

"Sir. Dr. Stafford will make his rounds here at 7 am."

"Ok. Can she eat normal food? Or is she on a special diet?"

"Hospital food will be served at six am but she can eat whatever she wants. I already gave her pain medication earlier so she should feel better in a while."

"Alright. Thanks."

After the nurse left the room, Marco sat on the chair beside Selena's bed. She was lying down and her eyes were closed.

"Marco? Are you staring at me?" Marco smiled.

"I can't help it. You look beautiful."

"Geez. I am wearing a hospital gown, my hair is all over the place . . . My make up all smudged up and you say I'm beautiful? Maybe you're head was hit real hard. You should also be in this bed with me."

Marco got up, removed his shoes, gun holster and jacket, got in the bed and under the blanket as she suggested. Selena gaped at him when he laid down beside her. The bed is big like the rest of the room. She thought when she woke up that she's in a hotel and not in a hospital. Even if the bed was big, she still felt conscious that they were lying side by side facing each other.

"I was just joking Marco!" Selena tried to ignore Marco's gaze as she felt extremely shy with the intensity of his gaze.

"But I'm not."

"I. . . ah. . ."

"Speechless again? Let's go back to sleep before the doctor arrives. I'm here where you want me to be. I'm not going anywhere." He winked at her before pulling the blanket to cover them both and closed his eyes.

Selena can't help but be touched by Marco's gestures. He did not leave her side. It was evident as he was still wearing the same shirt he had on their date. She wanted to touch his face and ease the worries he saw there earlier when she was in pain.

She doesn't deserve to be treated this way like she was a fragile thing. She was not worthy of even a second glance from this man but still he took care of her without second thoughts. Selena knew that she have to do something about her past so that it won't catch up with her future. Marco is her future. Looking at this man beside her, lying next to him, she vowed that she would do everything she can to stay by his side, even if she had to fight the most treacherous demons of her past life. 

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