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Alessandra heard the discussion before Marco said goodbye to the caller and she wished she could just stayed holed up inside the bathroom. She heard a woman's voice and she was curious and kind of jealous so she eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Fine. I met this girl but I am not sure yet how we'd end up. I've been seeing her for almost a month now."

"Hey. Stop betting on my future. I am not sure yet if it's really love but I will tell you more about it when I go home next week. And Cassie, please don't get your hopes up that I'll be bringing her with me. I can't let you meet her and get your hopes up for nothing."

Those words were like gunshot wounds straight to her heart. She wanted to believe that she was special to him with the way he looks at her, his kisses and how he couldn't get his hands off her, but hearing him say she was nothing confirmed her doubts. Marco was just waiting for the three weeks trial period to end. He doesn't see Alessandra as someone more than a good lay, a past time. How could some words hurt her more than any punch, kick, cut and gun shot? She did not realize that she was crying until she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Baby? I'm done with the phone. You can get out now. I don't know why you keep on leaving the room whenever I have a phone call. It's not like I'm hiding anything from you."  This only made Alessandra cry more. If she was in the room when he received that call, she knew he would not have said those hurtful words. She was confused on what to believe.

"Alessandra, please open the door. Are you crying? Baby, why?" His voice was laced with concern and worry and this made her cry harder. She was wondering how Marco could fake the emotions on his voice. He sounded deeply concerned about her even after saying that she means nothing to him.

"Go away. I'm fine."

"Alessandra? If you don't open this god damn door I will break this down."

"I don't care! Just go away! I don't want to see you!" Alessandra was losing it, she was never emotional but the way her heart constricts with pain as she remembered Marco's words fuelled her anger as well as her tears.

I met this girl but I am not sure yet how we'd end up.

I am not sure yet if it's really love

I can't let you meet her and get your hopes up for nothing.

The next thing Alessandra saw was the door breaking down and an angry Marco on the other side. When he saw her crying his face mellowed. He was still panting with the heavy kicks he made on the door but went to her and knelt in front of her. She was sitting inside the Jacuzzi.

"Hey. Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" Marco was really oblivious of the reason for Alessandra's tears.

Marco was not prepared for what Alessandra did next. She took Marco's arms, straightened them both up then twisted his arms on his back making him turn sideways and groan in pain. Marco's reflexes kicked in and he was able to shift himself, kicked the wall for leverage and hurled both of them back to the wall, with Alessandra behind, the impact loosened her hold on him. He was able to remove himself from Alessandra's hold, pushed her forward and moved behind her. He tried to subdue her by wrapping his solid arms against hers but she was also strong and fast. She lowered her knees and upper body, bowing forward and used her upper body strength to lift Marco and toss him over and downwards, his back flat on the Jacuzzi's floor with his head underneath her parted legs. She opened the shower to distract him from her next attack. She moved quickly, shifted position and straddled him, pinning his arms on his sides, with her legs immobilizing him with her knees.

They were both heaving but she knew they were just on hiatus and soon the real fight will begin. She forgot she was just wearing a nightie and Marco a boxer shorts. Their state of undress and the warm shower flowing freely on them had the immediate effect on their libido. She felt Marco stiffen. His eyes reflecting the same desire she was feeling.

"Whatever we are fighting about baby, let's talk about it later. I need to take you now. Are you with me?" He was shivering with repressed desire and Alessandra knew she feels the same way. He was waiting for her answer.


That one word took them both to ecstasy. The intensity of their fight earlier was nothing compared to the heat of passion they both shared under the showers. When they were both calmed down and sated, Alessandra was now back in bed lying on top of Marco. He was stroking her naked back.

"Baby, what was that about? I figured I might have hurt you with the way you wanted desperately to get back at me."

Alessandra could have lied but she knew she's running out of time. She had to raise her bets higher if she would win Marco's heart. Lying will not earn her any points and might jeopardize her stand.

"I heard you on the phone. Sorry but I overheard a woman's voice and I was kind of jealous so I listened to your conversation."

The realization was like a cold water poured down to Marco's head. She heard him. When he tried to downplay his feelings for Alessandra, she heard him. No wonder she was hurt and fuming mad. She thought he was toying with her.

"Baby, I was not sure what to tell them. I can't tell them who you are to me if I am not even sure what I am to you."

"So you want to play safe? You want to know how I feel towards you first before you admit your feelings to me?" Alessandra pulled the comforter to cover herself as she sat down beside Marco. She couldn't think clearly with his body pressed closely to hers and with his talented hands touching her skin.

Marco straightened up in a sitting position and faced the feisty woman who captured his heart.

"Baby, you know from the very start that I want to be with you. You should have known by now that I crave for every moment that we have together. But you know how my life is. This is the life you avoided for years. You wanted to be away from violence but being with me will bring you so much closer to the things you hated. Baby, look at me." Marco tilted her chin so she can look into his eyes.

"Alessandra, I love you. When we had that accident, seeing you almost lifeless in my arms, I realized I love you. I can never live without you but even so, I want you to be free of this life. When I heard your story, I want to protect you from every harm but I can't do that if you will choose to be with me. How can I make you happy if I bring back the one thing in your life that you wanted to hide from?"

She almost kissed him when she heard he loved her but she knew what Marco's fears were. It was the same as hers. But she feared for Marco's safety and not her own. She knew that she had worst enemies than him. She killed many powerful people and her greatest enemy will surely hunt her down and mercilessly kill her if he knew she's alive.  How can she protect Marco if she can't even protect herself?

"Marco, I love you too. I know what this entails. This is dangerous for us both, more to you than me. I have more enemies than all your group members combined. As much as I would like to stay away from you to keep you safe, I can't. I'm stubborn and I'm selfish. I'd rather kill everyone that tries to harm you than hurt myself by not being with you."

For others, it might not be the sweetest admission of love but Marco's heart swelled with happiness and pride because of Alessandra's stand. She's brave, hot as hell and she loves him. What more can he ask for?

"Do you know what you just signed yourself up for when you admitted that you love me?" Marco was seriously looking at her eyes. Her eyes almost brimming with tears because of happiness.

"Yes I do. Do you understand the peril and gravity of the situation I am bringing into your life and into your group?"

"Yes. I do. Well, is this the part where the priest says you may kiss the bride?" They both smiled before sealing their vows with a heartfelt kiss.

Call them crazy but their love for each other is potent enough as a poison to those who would try to harm them. Their love fuels them and makes them fearless to plunge forward to the abyss of danger.

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