34-Last Will

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Alessandra's biggest mistake in life was to deny herself of her birthright. For as long as she could remember, she convinced herself that she was not part of that family. It was easier to think that she was an assassin than a part of a mob that led to her parents' death.

She grew up in a small town in America. With the tutelage of her mother, she learned various martial arts techniques, range firing and her favorite, throwing stars or shuriken. Her mother, Akemi is the only daughter of Kazuo, the highest ranking leader of Yamakami-gumi, the largest organization in Japan with more than 10,000 members. She fell in love and married an Italian. Her father disapproved of the marriage especially when he found out that the man who took her daughter's heart was a widower with two sons. Alex's parents thought they could hide from Kazuo and their enemies. Tragedy happened and her parents were murdered at their own home.

Alex, Paulo and Simone struggled to make ends meet when their parents died. Alex had to work and even took up drag racing as her sideline. Their lives were simple until the three of them received an invitation from an unnamed man who later turned out to be Kazuo. It was a straightforward request to join the Yakuza. The three of them declined but Kazuo does not acknowledge rejection. He made another offer but this time, solely to Alex in a disguise of an elite Assassin's group. She was lured with the pretense that as a reward of her agreement in joining the group, they would help her avenge her parent's death.

She trained hard and learned fast. She started from the lowest ranks then emerged as number one. Alex was not aware until her last year with her team that she was under her grandfather's wings and that she was part of a mob. She continued the pretense of taking lives of others and driving to do illegal dealings as she convinced herself that she was giving the world some justice.

Finally, she was assigned to kill Dimitri Deniro and was told that he was the one behind her parent's murder. She could still remember her discussion with her grandfather. He was a full blood Japanese but can speak English and Italian fluently. That was one of the reason Alex never learned to speak Japanese.

"Alex, when are you going to acknowledge that you are my only heir? I prepared you to take over my place. This is your birthright and you have proven yourself to this group countless of times."

"Boss, I can't live this kind of life. After this last mission, I want to quit and start over. The only reason I signed up is to avenge my parent's death. Now that you have given me the permission to perform this final assignment, I have to say goodbye."

"But you are my granddaughter. Haven't you realized by now that you are my only bloodline left?"

"If you really are my grandfather, you will respect my decision and let me live in peace."

Whenever Alex thought about that last meeting with Kazuo, she couldn't help but feel guilty. She saw the sadness on her grandfather's face when she left. Alex never doubted her grandfather. She knew he cares for her with the way he ensured that all her needs were provided when she was still with him.

His grandfather died one year ago from a heart attack. He knew that she was alive. He just did not inform anyone. She learned the real reason for Yamakami-gumi's desire and demand to get her back when she received her grandfather's letter and last will that were both addressed to her.

To Alessandra Rossi Takoa Bellini,

I always loved your name. Alessandra means defender of men. In a way, that is true, you are by far the bravest and most loyal person I know. Forgive me if I have corrupted your pure heart. I thought that if I could turn you into someone like me, you'll accept me and live the life I have laid out for you.

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