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Hearing the gunfire made Alex look back. Rage and fear filled her as she saw Marco fall to the ground.

"You as*hole!" She wanted to go back to Marco but Dimitri held out his gun once more and aimed at Paulo.

"No!!! Please don't!" Alex pleaded but Dimitri knows no mercy. He fired two shots to her brother's head, instantly killing him. Looking back and forth to Marco and Paulo, Alex's body shook in a mixture of anger, fear and anguish. She felt useless and defeated. Her pain was a hundred times worse than the day she lost Simone.

"Paulo. . ." Alex thought her world collapsed as she saw her brother fall to the ground barely recognizable. She dropped to her knees.

"You thought you can just sashay your way to safety!? I want my revenge! I want you to feel every ounce of pain I felt when you ruined my life and killed my family!" Dimitri blew the tip of his gun then walked slowly towards Alex. She was kneeling and sobbing.

The men who were gathered around her parted and allowed their boss to approach. Dimitri kicked her shoulders and chest and she doubled over in pain. He pulled her up and punched her face, then her gut. She kept silent, not allowing herself to even utter a grunt or groan of pain. Her emotional anguish was far greater than the physical battery she was receiving.

Alex tried hard to regain her composure by thinking about Marco and his family. She can still save them if she can just save herself. She can grieve for her brother all she wants but she knew he would never come back. Her thinking mind came to play, she just hoped that she can execute her plan.

When she felt that Dimitri was losing interest in beating her up, she moved swiftly. She could die but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was kill that man who took the life of her brothers and made her life miserable.

With Dimitri's last kick to her face, Alex swiftly pulled his feet towards the side of her head and used the borrowed strength from her adrenaline rush to crush then twist Dimitri's balls with her free hand. Writhing in pain, he dropped his gun and tried to attack Alex. She was faster. She pushed him and took the dagger hidden on her boots. With her agility, she circled behind him, attacked and stabbed the knife into his neck. She twisted the knife and Dimitri's shout of pain was heard across the estate.

The men around her were too shocked to move. Everything happened too fast and too sudden. One moment, their boss was beating up the girl then the next thing they saw was their boss bleeding and a knife was protruding out of his neck. When they regained their common sense, they raised their firearms at Alex.

"One wrong move and I'll shred your boss to pieces!" The mafia leader was helpless. The one thing that was keeping him standing was Alex holding him in place, wanting him to feel every bit of blood that drips from his broken veins. Without an ounce of pity, she plunged the second dagger through his chest.

Every kick and punch Alex received was like a blade lacerating at Marco's heart. When he saw Dimitri raise his gun at him, he knew what to do. He timed his movement and pretended to collapse from the gun fire. He fell to the ground even before the bullet reached him. With a conceited man like Dimitri, he would instantly think that Marco fell down because of his perfect aim. Marco pretended to be unconscious but he could hear what was happening. He thought he died and went to hell when he heard two shots and heard Alex's scream. The next thing he saw was his girlfriend attacking Dimitri and a dagger sticking out of his neck and chest. He would have raved about this if not for the new group of men he saw approach stealthily from behind them.

Without a moment's hesitation, he took his rifle and aimed to shoot. Alex was momentarily stunned when she heard the series of gun shots. She used the bleeding and almost lifeless body of Dimitri as a shield as she walked towards Marco. Dimitri's men were cowards. When they realized that their boss was taken down, they ran and tried to hide in every direction, hoping to save themselves from the warzone. Alex knew what to do.

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