33 - Senses

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Two weeks have passed before Marco finally got a grip of himself. He had been distant and aloof with everyone. He kept repeating everything that happened on his head. Every fraction of information, every expression and words heard, he considered. Marco needed answers and he can't seem to find them.

He was never careless and he regarded his judgment of character as one of his best traits. But one look at Alessandra made him lose his focus. He was starting to think that she used him to get to Dimitri. How can he believe in anything that she said when she herself was the biggest lie of them all?

"Marco, come on. Snap out of it! You've been too caught up in thinking about some things that you neglect to take care of yourself!" Marco didn't notice Sammy enter his Study. They have been staying at his own Estate in Italy. The whole family including Sammy and her boyfriend were transferred there since it was the safest place he could think of. It was his fort.

"Sammy, just leave me alone. Please. I don't want to talk right now."

"Since when did I listen to you? Give me five instances and I will leave you in peace."

Marco tried to think but can't come up with a suitable response. He can't help but smile. The nerve of this girl is too much to ignore.

"Fine. You never listen to me, well, never listened to anyone. What do you want?"

She pulled a chair and moved closer to him. She took his hands and looked into his eyes.

"I want you to get out of here and find what you are looking for. Not here. You can't find it here Marco. You know what I mean. You need to get out of here." He couldn't meet her gaze. She knew. Lance knew what he needs. Everyone seems to know what he needs but he doesn't want to acknowledge it.

"I can't. I won't and I don't want to. Just, stay out of this." Sammy gripped his hands more firmly to get his attention.

"You are too stubborn! If you don't want to, then leave this hole and live your life like nothing happened! Stop being a drama queen and go and shoot someone or do anything that guys like you does . . . if. . . if that will make you feel better!" She was heaving in anger. Her nostrils are all flared up and her face and ears turned a reddish hue. Marco found her entertaining.

"It could have been much better if we ended up together don't you think?" Marco caught Sammy off guard for a moment before both of them started to laugh. She swatted his head like she always does when he tried to use that line on her.

"You and your old jokes! You know very well that we wouldn't have lasted a day without getting on each other's nerves." It was true. When their friendship started, they thought and tried for a day to be a couple but they ended up laughing like it was the most absurd thing in the world. Some things are not meant to be and that is Marco and Sammy as a romantic item.

"Seriously dear brother, when are you going to regain your senses? We are all worried about you. Can't you just let things go and find her?"

Marco gently removed his hands from hers, stood up and walked towards the open window. He still cannot bear to think about Alessandra. It crushes his heart to tiny fragments.

"If she doesn't want to be with me, I can't do anything about it." His voice was laced with hurt and finality that infuriated Sammy.

"Aaaarrrggghh!!! You are like a caveman! Incapable of rational thinking! How would you know if you don't even ask her!"

"She left me, isn't that statement enough?"

"That was for the best! You are in a middle of a warzone for crying out loud! You almost killed each other's group! How do you suppose she would feel if you or our family were hurt in the process? Don't you see Marco? She left to keep you safe! You are too stupid to realize that! I saw how she looked at you! She loves you dumbass!"

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