38-Final Duel

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Alex and Marco would have traded anything to avoid the situation they were in. Red continued on and explained the mechanics of the last test.

"I will explain the rules of this final duel but before that, you both have to choose someone from your group. Alex?" Alessandra looked at Red as he asked and nodded.


"Good choice Boss. Marco?"

Denaris approached without being called.


"See? You don't even have to call me." Marco never took his gaze away from Alex even with Denaris' remarks. He was lost in thought on how to overcome the challenge. The weight of the Yumi bow and arrow he was holding was getting into his nerves.

"Now that you have chosen your partners, let's begin. The rule is simple, aim at the target and shoot the arrow. You will both be blindfolded and be given only one chance to fire. You have to trust your partner's instruction because they will tell you where to aim. Since you are both leaders, your men decided to be more considerate to your safety. You will not aim at each other but at an object beside your opponent. If you miss by a few inches and hit each other that is beyond our control. Now, we have to move to a wider place for this. . .shall I say, event."

Alex closed her eyes and willed herself to calm down. Their groups were playing with Marco and her feelings. They were testing how the two of them will react in endangering each other's lives. This is a test of loyalty and trust at the expense of the life of the one she loves.

Alex and Marco went to ride in separate vehicles to transfer locations. Denaris was silently examining Marco's stoic expression. He knew the preparations he did to learn everything in just a span of days. He held his wounded arm that thankfully had stopped bleeding. This will be his challenge, holding a Yumi in place will be trickier if his arm will hurt in the process.

Alex worries the same thing, she thought about Marco's arm and she looked at Rodel whose eyes were closed.

"Why do you have to slash his arm like that? You could have just. . ."

"Alex, we play by the rules. Just trust him and of course me. You'll thank me in the future for this." Rodel whispered too low that Alex did not hear. She was preoccupied in thinking how she will pull this off. She hasn't held a Yumi Daikyu in over a decade. She can't risk Marco's safety but she knew there is no other way.

When they reached a football stadium, Alex wondered how they prepared everything in just a short time. How her group carried all the weapons they used during the duels and challenges are a mystery to her. The targets were being set up 100 yards away from each other. They were positioned just two inches beside the lighted target, four black circles and the illuminated red one in the middle as their aim. If they missed their marks, their shoulders will be grazed by each other's arrow.

Red used a megaphone to remind them of the rules.

"You can start aiming. Partners, once they're ready, blindfold them. Marco and Alex, your partners will tell you when to pull and release the arrow from the bow."

Marco squinted his eyes as he looked at the red mark at the other side of the football field. He focused on the task at hand, he disregarded the thought that the woman he loves is at his mercy. He will not fail and that is his aim.

"Marco, it's time."

Marco stood upright and placed his feet shoulder width apart, pointing them perpendicular to the target. He nocked the arrow and used three fingers to lightly hold on the string. Ignoring the pain that shoot up as he raised and draw the arrow, he aimed at the illuminated red target. Denaris tied a blindfold over Marco's eyes. He looked at the aim and Marco's stance and he knew he is ready.

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