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The transfer to Luna was safe. Instead of riding the cars as planned, Marco and Alex used one of the decoy choppers. When they arrived at the well-hidden and guarded estate, Alex realized why the place was called Luna. There are three buildings shaped like a crescent moon, full moon and half moon. They were arranged in a strategic manner that resembles a fortress that would be difficult to penetrate. The first building serves as a checkpoint and outlook tower made of wrought iron and concrete slab with impossibly high walls and electric fence. Alex noticed its crescent shape when they were on their way to Luna via Chopper. The full moon shaped second building is like a maze of barracks with fully equipped firing range and fully functional military training facility. If a person will memorize the layout of the building, gunfights will be an easy feat for unsuspecting enemies. The largest and half moon shaped mansion mentioned by Marco houses ten rooms on the first floor and fourteen rooms at the second floor. This will be their home for the meantime. Aside from the fact that the place was covered with full grown and big trees that made the place look dark even at broad daylight, highly trained and armed men, roamed the place. It was like a military camp set in a luxurious environment.

"Why do you have a place like this?" Alex asked Marco.

"When Cassie was kidnapped and almost killed by a lunatic, Lance became overprotective and nearly crazy with his desire to protect the family. I just inherited a Mafia then and I joined him in being crazy. We had this fortress built just in case we needed to escape. This is the first time we actually brought other people aside from us and the crew. The whole family knows of its existence but Marco, Denaris and I only know the actual location. Even the staffs working here are only given GPS coordinates, which gets deleted once they reach the place. We've taken extra precaution."

"Wow. Just wow. I'm really amazed. Who designed this? I am really impressed."

"From our martial arts trainings years ago, we've met some high ranking military officials. We did some favors for them and they helped us design and build this place. This can be turned into a military camp fully equipped with training facilities and weaponry. Lance and I invested a lot of time and money on this place." Marco looked proud and happy to share the details of the mansion with Alex. She in turn felt happy that Marco trusted her with such information.

"I can see that the main building's interior was patterned to Grandma and Grandpa's house." Alex smiled. She knew that given the kind of danger they were in, Marco and Lance still wanted the family to feel at home amidst the roaming armed patrol men.

"Yes. We want all of you to feel safe and comfortable. We will be having the party tomorrow at the main house's ballroom. I will show you the floor plan later at dinner. We also need to set some ground rules while everyone is here at Luna. But before that, I need you to. . . kiss me." Marco pulled Alex closer and kissed her lips with all the desire he was feeling at the moment. He saw her biting her lips and twirling her hair while eyeing the place and was not able to resist. They were busy with their lip locking session when they heard a cough.

"Eherm." Alex and Marco hesitated for a while before pausing with their kisses. They looked at the source of the sound and saw a smiling beautiful couple.

"Mama." Marco took Alex's hand and went to his mother for a hug. He then hugged his waiting father without letting go of Alex.

"I presume this is our future daughter in law?" Alex blushed when she heard Marco's mother. She felt elated that she was called the future daughter in law and shy at the same time for being caught making out with Marco.

"Yes, Mama. This is Alessandra. Baby, these are my parents. . ." Marco was about to introduce his parent's name when his mother approached and hugged Alex.

"You should call me Mama and that balding guy over there your Papa. I've heard so many things about you. Well, from Mama Sanya at least. This boy right here was intentionally hiding you from me, his own mother, the one who raised him for many years and nurtured him to be this fine young man he is today." Marco was rubbing his temples while looking at his mother who was holding on to his girlfriend like it was a messiah. Alex could only smile in return. She was beyond overwhelmed that Marco's parents are both looking at her with affection on their first meeting.

"Darling, stop ogling the child. Let go and let me introduce myself. Alex, I'm Marco's father, Donovan and this talkative and noisy lady here is my wife Bellatrix. But you can call us Mama and Papa as I think that is where all of this is headed." Marco's father was a natural charmer like his son. No wonder his mother still looks at her husband like a love struck teenager. They still looked very much in love. After he finished his introduction, he kissed his wife and approached Alex for a handshake. When Alex reached for his hand, he pulled her for a half hug then tapped her back. It was a kind and endearing gesture.

"It's really great to finally meet you." Alex smiled at them while Marco returned on her side and tried to pull her from his mother and father.

"Can I borrow my girlfriend now? Geez. You are both so clingy. What time did you get here? I was not informed that you have arrived." Marco's mother rolled her eyes at him before hooking her arm with Alex's arm. Alex just smiled and almost laughs at Marco's surprised and irritated reaction.

"If you have introduced us before then I would have met my future daughter in law earlier. Why should we inform you if you can't even tell us you finally have someone special after all the decades I have been waiting for you to settle down." Marco was reduced to a man boring a headache because of his mother's nagging. He knew it would pose a big problem that he hid Alex from his mother who had been begging for him to get married and produce heirs.

"Mama. I did not hide Alex from you. I simply did not tell you about her since we don't usually talk on the phone? You hated cellphones and anything electronic remember?" Marco tried to pull Alex away from his mother but Bellatrix was leading Alex to the living room. Marco and his father followed and sat beside them on the living room couch.

"You are so full of excuses. Now go on. Leave us we have some catching up to do." Alex just smiled at Marco's irritated expression. He was sulking for being dismissed and Alex found him cute. She smiled at Marco sweetly which earned a smile from him.

"Go and play with Liam, baby. I will just spend time with. . . Mama." Marco smiled when he heard the word Mama. It feels good that his parents warmed up with Alex immediately and she accepted their clinginess without judgment.

"Come on, son. Let's go get that cute little boy. Hey, when are you going to give us our second grandson?" Alex could still hear their conversation and could not help but smile. Marco tried to contain his smile but he and Alex were thinking the same thing as Alex. When everything is settled and safe, they would surely produce lots of grandchildren for Marco's parents. After all, they are always hands on and focused with the creation process.

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