30 - Choices

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Alex would have ran towards her brother if Marco did not hold her in place. Alex's confidence and strength evaporated the moment she saw her only family crouched in the ground and all beaten up. Dried blood on his swollen face made her blood boil for the person who hurt him.

"Dimitri, nice of you and your men to drop by. You could have called earlier and I would have given you guys a welcome party." Marco pulled Alex to his back to shield her. He wanted to protect her but he knew what Dimitri wanted. Revenge for his brothers death. An eye for an eye.

"Marco, you know what I came here for. Our business doesn't have anything to do with this. This is very personal for me, if I might say."

"What do you want then?"

"Give her to me or I will make sure your whole family dies." Marco can see through any bluff and as he looked at Dimitri, it made him doubt the safety of his family. The Panic Room is safe. He designed it with Lance but if the whole house would explode, that is another deal.

"Ask for something else. You know I will never give her to you." Marco's voice was cold and menacing. Alex was shaking in anger and fear at the same time. She thought that she shouldn't have let things get out of hand. Now everybody is in grave danger because of her. Concealed from Marco's back, she slowly took her phone from her pocket and pressed number 5. She saved Red and Rodel's number for emergency purposes. She will soon know who her real friends are.

"Then, let's make her choose. Alex, join me or I will blow your brother's head to bits. I would have brought my sword if you have not blasted them to pieces together with my home and my brothers." Dimitri's voice was terrifying. It held all anger and contempt he was feeling for the woman who made his life a living hell.

"You son of a bitch! You started this! You killed my brother and then tried to kill me!" Alex's emotions were on a rampage. She wanted to go to Dimitri but Marco held her beside him. She stopped and held her breath when Dimitri held his gun at Paulo's temple.

"Choose wisely Alessandra. It's a win win situation actually. Leave Marco and come with me, isn't that tempting enough for you? As a reward, I will let your brother go and spare the lives of your boyfriend's family. Oh, and I can spare his life too if you want. This place is all wired up and will explode in. . . let's see. . ." He pulled up his sleeve and looked at his watch. "in fifteen minutes."

Marco tightened his grip on Alex's arms. He felt her knees weakened from Dimitri's words. They both knew he was not bluffing.

"Alex will never go with you!" Marco was quick to answer but it was not his decision to make. Dimitri just laughed in response. He took a device from his pocket. A small timer and detonator for the bomb.

"We can make this easier and I will just press this red button here. Or I could just pull this trigger and then press the red button, or I could do both simultaneously. Decide Alex! I don't have all day! I have wasted enough time and men on you already!"

"Alex, please don't do this. We can handle this. We've been doing great as a team." Marco was still holding on to Alex and he vowed never to let her go but looking at his agonized face mad her decides easily. She doesn't have a choice. She can't risk the lives of the ones she loves and cares about.

"I love you and I'm sorry. Please let go. I will try and come back as soon as I can. For now, just please let me go. We have to save our families." She took his cheeks on her hands. The look of desperation and fear on his face were too much for Alex. She closed her eyes and hoped that he will understand.

"I can't give you up without a fight." His voice was pleading.

"I know, but you don't have a choice. This is my decision and you have to respect my wishes. Marco, please."

As much as he wanted to hold on to the love of his life, he knew they lost this fight. They have fought long and hard to keep each other safe. Now, it's time to set things right. Marco kissed Alex briefly then stepped backwards, away from her. Giving them both space could help alleviate the pain they were feeling. It was more painful than any punch or kick, cut and gunshot wounds. Separating from Alex without knowing if they will see each other again was too much to bear.

"I see you've decided. Good choice. Now, move!"

"Leave my brother! Stop the timer and hand him the detonator!" Alex will not be fooled. She has endured so much just to be fooled by a madman like Dimitri.

"Fine!" Dimitri keyed in some numbers and showed the timer. It shows OFF. He dropped the device near Paulo's feet then stepped back. The twenty men gathered around them also stepped back, mirroring their boss.

Half way through, Dimitri raised his gun and fired a shot. 

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