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Sammy was not even aware that her excitement and happiness in seeing Marco again would pose a problem. She was not informed that there was an extremely beautiful and jealous girl inside the room. She tried to smile at the girl but she was staring at Marco and hers entwined hands. Sammy gently removed her hand from Marco and tried to alleviate any problem by slightly moving away from them both.

"Hi! I'm Sammy. Cassie's best friend." Sammy smiled then she nudged Marco who seemed to be frozen in place with the way the girl was staring at them.

"Oh. Baby, this is Sammy. Sammy, meet my girlfriend Alex." Sammy wanted to approach and hug Alex but it seemed like a bad idea at the moment. She almost laughed when she saw again Marco's pained expression. This guy is whipped, she thought.

"Nice to meet you Alex. Marco, just go down when you're both ready. By the way, I came with Rob. You'll finally meet him. See you both later! Ahm, Good luck Marco!" She can't help but laugh when he groaned as she punched his shoulder playfully before she went down to rejoin their family.

"Who's that!" Alex thought she was not a jealous person but when she saw them, Marco looked too excited and happy to see the girl.

"Sammy. She's. . ."

"Cassie's best friend, yeah I heard, but who is she to you?!" Marco didn't know whether to laugh of cry but laughing will only make it worse and an angry Alex though looking so hot and feisty can be a dangerous thing for him right now.

"She's like a sister. You know how I don't have any siblings right? Are you jealous?"

"Of course not! Do I have any reason to be?" She even rolled her eyes and tried to walk back inside the room. Marco took that chance to close the door and pull her back towards him. He kissed her so passionately that she almost fainted with lack of oxygen.

"Do you think you have reason to be jealous? Look at me Alessandra and tell me what you see?" She opened her eyes and looked at his eyes that were dark and burning with desire for her.

"I see a sex crazed man who in turn makes me a sex crazed woman." Marco was shocked by her response and was more shocked when she kissed his lips then laughed out loud.

"Are you still jealous? Admit it babe you were looking at us like we did something wrong." This earned a strong punch on his shoulders.

"You were kissing, hugging and holding hands in front of me! What do you expect?!"

"We're just friends. Her boyfriend Rob is with her. Baby, she's like a sister to me and I am like a brother to her. For a time, the family thought we were an item but we just laughed it off. It never would have worked anyways. We don't feel that kind of connection, chemistry or spark, whatever you call it. I don't feel and didn't feel anything for anyone the way I feel towards you." He looked at her and she understood.

"Fine. Maybe I am a bit jealous. She's very pretty."

"You're the most beautiful for me. No one could ever top you on everything. You will always be the best for me. You are the only one for me." They were lost again on their own bubble and world of kisses when they heard another knock on the door. They were startled as they were leaning at its back.

"What! Can't a man have a privacy with his girlfriend!" When he opened the door, he tried to close it again but the weight on the other end was too much for him.

"Alex, run!" Marco tried to push the door but too much pressure was being used on the other side. Alex's instincts kicked in. She pulled Marco's gun from the holster on his waist and started shooting at the black masked assassins on the other side of the door. Each shot was aimed to kill and she shot down two out of the five who were trying to get inside their room.

The remaining men started firing back but they seem to intentionally miss their shots. Alex knew then that their mission was not to kill but to capture them alive. She used that knowledge for their advantage. She ran towards the one who tried to pull her out of the room and punched him on the nose with the hilt of her gun. Blood oozed out of his nose as he staggered backwards. Alex fired one shot to his forehead that finished him off. Marco was still struggling with the two men when Alex kicked one towards the other. Marco used the distraction to pull the gun hidden on his boots and fired two shots to the chests of their attackers.

Alex pushed Marco to the left side of the door while she went to the right. He saw Alex look behind her. There's a mirror near the door. She angled that mirror to see outside but to conceal them from their enemies. Six more men came from the stairs and all of them started shooting. Alex knew that the 9mm pistol they were using has only ten bullets each and she already fired 3 shots while Marco 2. They have to save their shots for an emergency situation. She motioned for Marco to move back and hide as they wait for the enemies to enter their trap.

When the men stopped their shooting spree, the first and second victims stepped inside. With Marco's quick martial arts skills, he jumped, spun and landed his heel on his opponent's chest. The second one was punched in the spine and kicked in the gut by Alex. They both writhe in pain when Alex kicked one on his pelvis and Marco's elbows landed on the other's face. The remaining men hesitated to go inside the room as they heard the grunts and groans. Alex saw their hesitation as a sign of weakness.

They just needed one wrong move from the assassins before they attack.

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