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It was years since I last had this nightmare.

It was raining. I was on assignment and had to finish the mission before daybreak. Driving had been my one consolation from my awful life. I found it peaceful and relaxing to speed up and pass by every other car in the road. I felt in charge of my life and my future as I zoomed ahead.

I made a deal with my superiors that this will be my last mission. By far this is the most dangerous assignment given to me and I bargained my freedom in exchange. At first they did not agree as I was one of their prized possessions. I deliver what was asked without any questions. That's why I was rewarded with their trust. Though I was forced to be part of their group, I know without them I couldn't have survived.

The things I learned and mastered over the years of training with them made me the toughest in my field of work. I am not proud of the things I have done but I know it was for the greater good.

Breaking and entering was an impossible mission itself as the house of my target was a fortress. But I am trained to even pass through a needle hole just to complete a mission. I completed Phase One and was on the verge of completing Phase Two of the plan when everything went wrong.

As I aimed my gun to finish off my assignment, I saw someone move under the blanket. What I saw made me hesitate. That moment of weakness caused me a great deal of grief afterwards and I knew then that I could never go back to my previous life. If I survive that ordeal, I vowed to myself never to look back.


Selena was sleeping as I entered her room. She looked distressed even in her sleep. She's having a nightmare. I would have woken her up if not for my curiosity to know what the nightmare is about. I heard her muttering in her sleep.

"No. . .perché sei qui. . .you non può essere. . .bastardo. . .you'll pagare per questo Simone!"No. . .why are you here. . .you can't be. . .bastard. . .you'll pay for this. . . Simone!"

She was sweating profusely despite the coolness of the air. Tears started to fall from her eyes and I couldn't take seeing her like that so I woke her up.

"Selena. . . svegliati. E 'solo un incubo. Per favore svegliati." Selena. . . wake up. It's just a nightmare. Please wake up.

I shook her by her shoulders and when she woke up she panicked and would have pushed me if I did not hugged her tightly and stroked her back.

"Shhh. . . You're safe. You're with me." Whatever it was she dreamed about caused her to tremble in fear. I wanted to ask her what that was about but I know I can't force her to tell me. She has to do it on her own. She needs to trust me with her secrets. I just hope she tell me soon. I feel like whatever it is she was hiding, I can accept as long as the admission would come from her.

"Marco. I. . . I remembered. It was too far back and I tried to suppress that memory but it came back. . . It was awful. I was awful. I. . ." She broke down and cried. Every tears that fell from her face and into my shoulders were like daggers to my heart. I wanted to know what made her tremble in fear and cry in despair. But I know I have to wait. I just need to listen.

I straightened up and changed position so she can be more comfortable. I sat on the bed, my legs stretched out and had my back on the headboard while I carried Selena and positioned her so that she was sitting across on my lap. The right side of her soft upper body pressed into mine. My arms pulled her closer as I made her hug me. Her cheeks resting on my shoulders and I felt her breath on my neck.

"I'm here now. You don't have to be afraid anymore." I was stroking her hair, her eyes were like a dam and I would have done anything just to stop her from crying.

"Marco. I'm scared that when you find out what I was and who I was. . .am. . .you might make me leave. . . I'm sorry. . . I didn't mean to be so forward but I'd rather you kill me than to make me live without you. . ."

Hearing those words from her almost made me jump with happiness but I know the timing is off and I can't give her my full trust, not yet at least.

"What is it? Why are you scared? I promise to listen." I have to console her so she can trust me with her past.

"I don't have anything else to lose so I want to tell you the truth. Whatever you do to me, just remember that I did not plan to be here with you. It was not my intention. When I learned who you really are I was already hooked. When I first saw you I knew I could not escape even though I would trigger the ghosts of my past just being around you.

Marco, I am not really Selena Rossi. For seven years I faked my identity including all my records so I could escape from my group. I was a double agent, spy or hired assassin, whatever you want to name it. I specialized in impossible missions and was stationed at US and Mexico. My specialty was silently killing corrupt officials and greedy businessmen. I am also the best car driver and racer in our group. That was the main reason I was recruited, for my driving skills. I was the best car and drag racer in our small town where they enlisted me. It might sound absurd and I may seem crazy but this is the truth. You can test me if you want. I can prove to you that I am skilled in any combat and can disable any secured area with my hacking abilities."

She looked at me but I tried to remain stoic and calm, looking for any signs on her expression that she was fooling me. But there's none. She looked straight into my eyes as I nodded for her to continue. I also remembered Denaris' remarks earlier after I watched the car chase footage.

"Marco, Selena is either a professional car racer, trained assassin, a mafia leader or a secret agent. Those are my guess, but you know which ones are the most probable." It was creepy how Denaris could always voice out what I cannot say out loud and often times turned out to be the truth.

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